When does prostitution occur?
when a person solicits another person or agrees to engage in any sexual act for money or other payment.
Definition of public intoxication?
Public Intoxication is when a person is in a public place under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, controlled substance, that he or she cannot care their own or others safety and is obstructing any street, sidewalk, or public way.
What's the Penal Code for Loitering about a Public Toilet?
What is public intoxication also known as?
Drunk and disorderly
What are some crimes that are usually involved with prostitution incidents? (Name 1)
Loitering with intent to commit prostitution
What are the crime elements to arrest someone for prostitution?
they need to solicit, agree to engage, engage in, or act in some act of prostitution.
Covered by what penal code?
Penal Code Section 647(f)
What are the necessary crime elements to be able to arrest a suspect:
loitering in or about
any toilet facility
open to the public (can't arrest if a paying customers bathroom)
for the purpose of soliciting or engaging in
a lewd or lascivious or unlawful act
Public Intoxication is about being visibly _____.
drunk or under the influence of drugs
Loitering with intent to commit prostitution is a felony. (T/F)
Prostitution is covered under what Penal Code?
Penal Code 647 (b)
T/F Public Intoxication is a Misdemeanor
How long can you be convicted in the county jail for Loitering about a Public Toilet?
Up to six months
Does public intoxication pose a risk to yourself or others?
What is the penal code for pandering?
What charge is prostitution?
Prostitution is considered a misdemeanor
What are the 3 crime elements.
Any person in a public place
Under the influence of drugs and alcohol
is unable to care for his or her own safety or the safety of others or is obstructing a public way
What is loitering about a public toilet?
engaging in or soliciting any lewd, lascivious, or lawful act in any toilet opening to the public
A conviction of public intoxication could mean?
jail time, fines, community service, or parole
What does solicit mean?
to seek to induce or try to obtain
Pimping is a felony under what Penal Code?
Penal Code 226(h)
If you're publicly intoxicated are you required to do a field sobriety test or a chemical test?
NO Public intoxication does not require either field sobriety tests or chemical tests.
How much would the fine be?
Up to 1,000
Do public intoxication laws vary by location?
What do police officers have to know in order to understand the crime of prostitution?
They need to know the meaning of solicit