This philosopher is considered the founder of Classical Criminology.
Who is Cesare Beccaria?
This theory suggests that criminal behavior has a physiological basis such as genes or hormones.
What is Biological Determinism?
This is the city the Concentric Zone Hypothesis was linked to.
What is Chicago?
This theory suggests that once a youth is labeled as deliqnuent, they are more likely to continue that deviant behavior.
What is labeling theory?
This theory refers to what happens when youth are denied access to societal goals such as money and status
What is General Strain Theory?
This philosopher argued that people seek pleasure and avoid pain, which influenced the way crime is punished.
Who is Jeremy Bentham?
He is the father of criminology and he linked criminal behavior to heredity.
Who is Cesare Lombroso?
This sociological theory suggests that lower-class youth form their own value systems, and often invovles deviance.
What is Subculture theory?
This type of deviation occurs when an individual internalizes a criminal identity.
What is secondary deviation?
This theory states that criminal behavior is learned through associations with others who encourage deviance.
What is Differential Association Theory?
This is the primary goal of punhishment in Classical theory.
What is deterrence and just deserts?
These theories link criminal behavior to mental states and early psychological development.
What is psychological theories?
This term defines youth who were alinetated from mainstream society and had low SES found their status and credibility.
What is code of the street?
This is the emotional connection that is used for Bonding Theory for those we respect and admire.
What is attachment?
This rationalization is part of Neutralization Theory, that allows delinquents to justify thier actions by not acknowledging harm to victims.
What is denial of injury?
Cesare Beccaria opposed this practice in his criminal justice reforms.
What is the death penalty?
According to Freud, this part of the personality is responsible for guilt and moral concience.
What is the superego?
This theory stresses the breakdown of societal norms and resulted in alientation.
What is Anomie Theory?
This is the criminologist credited with developing the Bonding Theory.
Who is Travis Hirschi?
This theory focuses on the psychological shift into delinquency, where youth move in and out of illegal behaviors.
What is Drift Theory?
What is Greed or personal need?
According to William Sheldon, this body type is more strongly related with criminal behavior.
What is endomorphs?
According to Merton's Strain Theory, this mode of adaptation involves rejecting societal goals and means.
What is rebellion?
This is the concept in Labeling Theory that refers to the process where individuals are labeled as diviant by others.
What is primary deviation?
Containment theory proposes this as a key factor that prevents individuals from engaging in criminal behavior.
What is a positive self-image?