Removing something to increase the likelihood of that behavior repeating.
What is a negative reinforcement?
Crime is a result of structural factors that limit the ability to achieve goals, creating delinquent subcultures.
What are strain and subculture theories?
This theorist said crime is caused by an inability to regulate means.
Who is Merton?
This theory states that there are 4 social institutions that make up our social structure. (Econ, Edu, Fam, Polity)
What is Institutional Anomie Theory?
The three strains according to the General Strain Theory.
What are goal blockage, + neg stimuli, and - pos stimuli?
This is a term for the pathway or line of development. (Related to Age-Grade Theory)
What is trajectory?
High crime rates are characteristics of our culture and social structure.
What is Institutional Anomie Theory?
This theorist said that strain leads to anger then leads to coping strategies, which may then lead to crime.
Who is Agnew?
This theory is made up of 9 propositions. Some of which are that crime is learned from personal groups, cannot be explained by needs, and varies in duration/intensity/priority/frequency.
What is Differential Association?
Chronic offenders who commit frequent crimes over a long period of time.
Who are Career Criminals?
This refers to how many propositions, steps, or statements are involved. How simple is the theory?
What is parsimony?
Shaming offenders in certain ways affect how they will cat in the future.
What is Reintegrative Shaming Theory?
These theorists said that low SES youth form gangs to achieve status and money to account for their goal and means discrepancy. (Subculture/Differential Opportunity Theory)
Who are Cloward and Ohlin?
This theory states that there are three pathways to delinquent behavior, early onset, late starters, and adult onset.
What is Developmental/ Life Course Theory?
These theorists focused on the age-crime debate and said that there was too much focus on adolescents.
Who are Sampson and Laub?
This term is part of the theory developed by Lombroso in which a person is born a criminal and has primitive, physical stigmata.
What is atavism?
Communities are organized by different values, so people are taught to think crime is okay from their communities.
What is Differential Association?
This theorist said sanctions that are put into place affect people based on how bonded they are. (Reintegrative Shaming Theory)
Who is Sherman?
This theory says that there are three types of control ratios, no deviance, control surplus, and control deficit.
What is Control Balance Theory?
This is a term that says that we are self-reflecting, self-regulating people and that we act with purpose.
What is agentic?
A term that describes how the past can limit your opportunities.
What are snares?
Offending at adolescent age is normal. (There are two types of offenders, LCP and AL.)
What is Moffitt's Dual Taxonomy?
He said that juvenile delinquents are the best predictor of adult offenders. (Criminal Careers)
Who is Wolfgang?
This theory states that what is valued is what is most important to subculture. (FATTES)
What is Focal Concerns Theory?
This theorist said that informal social control leads to reflective role taking which leads to self identity which leads to a deviant identity which then leads to crime.