What does MAOA stand for? What does it impact?
AKA "Warrior gene" because there is a correlation between this gene and antisocial behaviour. MOAO is short for monoamine oxidase A. An enzyme that affects levels of neurotransmitters (mutation of MAOA= don't produce enough of this enzyme which levels levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin).
What does Passamonti et al's study tell us about the correlation between serotonin and violence?
Results showed reduced activity in the frontal lobe-but only when participants viewed the angry faces (not sad or neutral). (We might have an inability to regulate impulsive actions and become aggressive)
What variables are studied in the Triadic Reciprocal determination?
Three variables studied in Social Cognitive Theory: the person, the behaviour, and the environment.
This reciprocal model states that all 3 of these things interact to explain how individuals act.