Dr. Scott
Who is the instructor for CRIN 353?
What percentage of the grade is the Mini-Lesson Presentation worth?
A 3-point deduction from the final grade per week of absence.
What is the penalty for unexcused absences?
Course Introduction & Literacy Foundations.
$100: What is the topic for Week 1?
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.
What does CAEP stand for?
Hybrid – 4 in-person and 4 virtual meetings over 12 weeks.
What is the format of this course?
What is the modality of this course?
Integrated lesson plan, teaching and reflection, and multimedia presentation.
What are the three summative assessments in this course?
10% deduction per day.
$200: What is the penalty for submitting late work?
Hands-on activities, including reciprocal teaching and QARs.
What type of activities are planned for Week 4’s in-person session?
Facilitating student-centered learning through technology and digital tools
What is the main focus of the ISTE standards in this course?
Tuesday 10 am to 12 pm - or by appointment
When are the instructor’s office hours?
A summary of their lesson plan, student outcomes, and reflection.
What will students need to create as their final multimedia presentation?
You must meet with the instructor to discuss making up missed work.
Answer: You must meet with the instructor to discuss making up missed work.
Founders Day Convocation & Investiture of Chancellor John K. Pierre.
What major campus event happens on March 27?
Reading Rockets.
What online resource is used for content area literacy guides?
To prepare teacher candidates to integrate literacy skills into diverse content area instruction.
What is the main aim of this course?
Weekly discussions and reflections or the mini-lesson presentation.
What is one type of formative assessment used in this course?
By negotiating extra work in a conference with the instructor.
How can students address unexcused absences?
Socratic seminars and collaborative learning
What will students practice during Week 8?
CAEP, InTASC, Louisiana Teacher Preparation Competencies, or ISTE standards
What are the standards for preparing teachers that are addressed in this course?
Reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, or visually representing.
What are the six language arts?
How much is the Integrated Lesson Plan worth in the grading scheme?
Timely communication and valid documentation, such as a medical excuse.
$500: What is required for excused absences?
Teaching ELLs and Diverse Learners through scenario-based learning.
What is the focus of Week 10’s in-person session?
Effective communication, differentiation, assessment practices, content knowledge, instructional practice, and professional responsibility.
What are the six areas of focus in Louisiana Teacher Preparation Competencies?