What does the phrase I crung mean
What is the past tense of cringe
Who sings let it go in Frozen?
Who is Elsa
Who sings Rick roll?
Who is Rick Astley
What game does mojang have the most success on?
What is minecraft
What year was roblox made?
When is 2006
How much adult teeth do people have?
How much is 32 teeth
Who was the owner of the toys in Toy Story and who does he give his toys to?
Who is Andy and Bonnie
Who is the person who is memed to be able to kill anyone as a bat?
Who is batman
When was among us created?
When is 2018
What roblox YouTube has 10 million subs (currently) and has an animal as his icon?
Who is Flamingo
Who owns Facebook and many other companies?
Who is Mark Zuckerberg
Which Marvel movie had the worst review?
What is Eternals
Who is the dog in the fire meme?
What is this is fine
What game had the worst mic parties in the game?
What is Call of Duty
Who is the person who presumably comes on roblox on exactly March 18th and hacks roblox?
Who is John Doe
What are the 8 planets in order?
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What actor makes the most money?
Who is Dwayne Johnson
Who is the person that becomes worse and worse the further the meme goes on?
What is Mr incredible goes uncanny
How many fnaf games are there?
How much is the most expensive item on roblox cost in robux?
What is 999,999,999 robux
What is the most expensive thing in the world?
What is the Yacht history supreme
Who was the considerably strongest person in Star wars?
Who is Darth Vader
When was the first meme created?
When is 1996
Whatvwas the first game created?
What is pong
What phrase was removed from roblox when ot said: connect with millions of players, create your own games, and *blank*
What is make serious cash