What are types of people could be in a student's support system?
Friends, family, JC staff, peers, community members
What is the first 3 steps to do when there is a crisis?
1. Assess the scene.
2. Identify involved parties.
3. De-escalate and calm parties.
What is the value at Job Corps this month?
Respect! Think of the Golden Rule and treat the students with respect and care.
Everyone defines crisis the same.
False, everyone has different levels of what is a crisis to them based on life experience.
Calm down.
How could I be helpful in this moment? Would you like to do some deep breathing together?
What are some internal coping skills? (i.e., things you can do on your own)
Listening to music, going for a walk, draw, workout, ect.
How should you look when entering the scene? Body language? Tone? Facial expressions? Distance between you and the involved parties?
A calm and warm presence is essential! Come from a place of curiosity vs accusation
What questions should you ask yourself before entering the scene?
Is it safe? Do I have the capacity to be involved? Do I need to get additional support?
It is better to lie or make promises to make the student feel better.
False! Lying ruins credibility and trust.
You are just overreacting.
It sounds like this has been really frustrating for you.
What do you do if there is no imminent threat or danger during a crisis situation?
During training day:
1. Report to supervisor
2. Ensure supervisor CALLS to inform the Center Director, CSIO, Social Development Director, and Administration Director
After Hours:
1. Report to Shift Manager (they will relay)
Surroundings (i.e.,. people, sounds, objects)
Hazards (physical or environmental)
BE ALERT! (watch verbal and non-verbal clues)
Why should you not fight anger with anger?
This heightens the tension within the situation, think about the prefrontal cortex.
Active listening is listening to the other person with the intent to understand.
True! Active listening includes:
1. Showing you are listening (remove distractions, use verbal/nonverbal communication)
2. Encourage sharing (ask open-ended q's, use reflections)
3. Strive to understand (be present, listen with an open mind)
Look at me when I am talking to you.
Would you mind not using your phone during our conversation?
*neurodivergent caveat: just because someone is not making eye contact does not mean that they are not listening
If you do not know what to do, what should you do?
Ask for help! No one knows everything and new perspectives = new ideas
Should you agree with everything the student says?
No, you are not their parent and do not gang up on other people.
What are some breathing exercises?
1. Square or box breathing
2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation
3. Leaves on a Stream
Since I have not experienced ___, I cannot empathize.
False, connect to the feeling, and be nonjudgmental even if you cannot relate to their experience.
You are clearly feeling ____.
Sometimes when someone is experiencing ___, they can feel ___. Does that sound similar to what you are experiencing/going through?
Thinking of the airline mask analogy and reducing burnout: What are things that you do to take care of yourself?
Find what works best for you. We cannot show up and support these students if we are burnt out.
What are examples of de-escalation interventions?
Who remembers the acronym DEARMAN from last year? Hint: this is a tool to help students advocate for themselves
Describe (Why are you having a conversation?)
Express (I feel..., I think...)
Assert (Why should the other person care?)
Reinforce (How would this be beneficial to the other person?)
Mindfulness (stay on one topic)
Appear confident (tone, body language)
Negotiate (be open to finding a middle ground where both people's needs are met)
If you did not intend to hurt someone's feelings, then they cannot be mad.
False. Do not invalidate! Intent and impact are two different things.
You are just a kid, you do not know what you want.
Listen empathetically.