Presentation Skills
Presentation skills II
Presentation Skills III
Crisis reactions intensify when the corporation is
What is "not prepared"
This response model keeps everything ethical
What is the RESPOND model?
This can cost an organization 25% - 40% of their annual budget
What is Miscommunication
This allows your listener to hear and understand your message. It is one of the most difficult skills to learn. You can practice it by listening to your voice mail before you hit the send button, asking for feedback from friends or family during dinner, phone conversations ect., asking for feedback after meetings or using post it notes in your work area.
What is Pausing
SPARK stands for
What is Story, Pictoral, Analogy, Reference, quotes, questions, and Keep them Laughing
People in a crisis need this
What is a friend.
When people are hurting it is important to use real and practical language. A question of this nature is much better than telling them that they will experience severe flashbacks that will perpetuate in uncontrollable urges to chant in foreign language.
What is the question "What can I get for you?"
This percentage of the work week is wasted as a result of poor communication
What is 14%
These three components make up your opening and closing to any message you deliver. They influence your listener to take action. They are considered the Communication Quick Start
What are opinion, action steps, and benefits?
The benefits to incorporating SPARK into your message include these 3 things
What is 1) Grab your listener's attention 2) Memorable and repeatable 3) Help you relax
Someone in this situation wants to be heard and listened to It is not a problem to talk honestly to them.
What is suicidal?
When a crisis is over it is important to decide on this. Providing breakfast and having the afflicted staff work with a buddy is an example of this, or changing up shifts and allowing everyone to decompress for a couple of days.
What is the plan for the next day in the branch?
To guarantee your movement during a presenation is purposeful and does not distract your listeners from hearing and understanding your message this move is incorporated.
What is the arc and park? As you move toward one individual, arc your footsteps to avoid walking directly towards them. This movement keeps your body open to the audience and allows you to stay connected.
KNOW stands for this
What is Know, Need, Opinion, and Who?
The difference between a good communicator and an influential communicator are:
What are 1) a good communicator only pays attention to their content 2) an influential communicator is flexible with weaving the whole experience together 3) An influential communicator pays attention to what is going on around them, to their content and what is happening between them and their listener
A Natural Healer
What is Friendship?
When responding to crisis this is the fine art of communication that matches our facial features and body gestures to what we are telling someone verbally. Arms at your side and looking interested are key.
What is Body Language
This is the only presentation skill that conveys trust and believability
What is eye connection?
This is a listener analysis to help you tailor your message around your listeners needs and expectations to increase your level of influence
What is KNOW?
These are the delivery skills that convey confidence
What are: 1) Eye connection 2) Pause and Volume 3) Posture and Volume 4) Posture and Eye Connection 5)Gestures and facial expressions
After a critical incident in your credit union, this heals quicker than isolation.
What is staff support?
Do not tell your story, never attack, punish, or invalidate the victim or his/her concepts. By evaluating and rephrasing you suggest that the victim is wrong or right or that you are not capable of listening. Remember to
What is Validate the right way?
To motivate and influence others to take action this needs to be created
What is Trust
We use this to grab the attention of our listeners during the opening, closing and throughout the message as one method to emphasis and impact your message
What is SPARK?
This is the average attention span of an adult
What is 7 seconds