This person was murdered for an unknown reason and helped Crispin's mother.
What is Father Quinel.
"Reluctantly, I took up the recorder, and with fingers like soft clay, tried to play."
What is a simile.
Why is Aycliffe so worried about Lord Furnival dying and Lady Furnival gaining power?
He is her kin.
Concerned that I had been observed, I stood still and ____________ the place where I'd seen movement.
What is scrutinized.
"Seeking to escape my heart’s cage of sorrow, I rushed off toward the forest."
What is a metaphor.
What is a cacophony.
"There were shelves upon the walls where loaves of bread and trenchers lay. They smelled like bliss itself..."
What is a simile.
The River Strom flowed in a winding pattern through Stromford Village.
What is meander.
"...I closed myself in, welcoming the darkness as the only safe companion to my despair."
What is personfication.
Missing a day of work, speaking harshly of his rule, failing to attend mass - brought an unforgiving penalty.
What is a transgression.
"Crispin, you stunted son of a scoundrel!"
What is alliteration.
What was the truth that Widow Daventry told Crispin?
What is Crispin's real father (Lord Furnival)
Crispin's anxiety increased when he saw the one-eyed youth glaring at Bear when he took his mazer from him.
What is apprehension.