
he nurse is teaching a client with diabetes about insulin requirements during pregnancy. Which statement should the nurse include regarding insulin requirements? A) Insulin needs decrease late in the 3rd trimester B) Insulin needs decrease early in the 3rd trimester C) Insulin needs increase early in the 1st trimester D) Insulin needs increase in the 2nd trimester

D) Insulin needs increase in the 2ndtrimester?


Name 2 risk factors that are increased when a pregnant patient is diagnosed with congenital syphilis

What is IUGR, Preterm Birth, Stillbirth


When teaching adolescents about nutrition, the nurse talks about the importance of iron supplements for pregnant teens. What would she suggest the adolescents take in order to increase the absorption of iron?

    1. Orange Juice 

  1. The nurse is caring for a client pregnant with twins. Which statement indicates that the client needs additional information?

    1. “Because both of my twins are boys, I know that they are identical”

  1. The client has read that the placenta produces hormones that are vital to the function of the fetus. It is evident that the client understands the function of the placenta when she states that which hormone is primarily responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy past the 11th week?



The nurse is completing a history for a new client in the prenatal clinic. The client states that she has a congenital cardiac defect that was repaired and now has no complications. The nurse anticipates what order for this client? A) Sodium restriction B) Diuretics and strict bedrest C)Antibiotic prophylaxis D)Anticoagulation therapy

C) Antibiotic prophylaxis


List 4 signs of cardiac decompensation

What is cough, dyspnia, tachycardia, edema, heart murmurs, rales, chest pain or cyanosis


The client with thalassemia intermedia has a hemoglobin level of 9.0. The nurse is preparing an education session for the client. Which statement should the nurse include?

    1. You should not take iron supplements

  1. The nurse is working with a client who has experienced a fetal death in utero at 20 weeks. The client asks what her baby will look like when it is delivered. Which statement by the nurse is the best?

    1. “Your baby will be covered in fine hair called lanugo”

  1. A nonpregnant client is diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. What does the nurse expect to administer?

    1. Metronidazole 500mg p.o. bid for a week


This screening is performed on every pregnant patient between 24 – 28 weeks gestation.

screening for diabetes


During labor, the fetus was in a brow presentation, but after a prolonged labor, the fetus converted to face presentation and was delivered vaginally with forceps assist. What should the nurse explain to the parents?

    1.  Facial edema and head molding will subside in a few days.


A pregnant client of normal prepregnancy weight is now 30 weeks pregnant. She asks the nurse what appropriate weight gain for her should be? What is the nurse’s best response?

    1. 25-35 lbs 

  1. The pregnant client who is at 14 weeks gestation asks the nurse why the doctor used to call her baby an embryo, and now calls it a fetus. What is the best answer?

    1. A fetus is the term used from the ninth weeks of gestation and onward

  1. The nurse is seeing clients in the women’s clinic. Which client should be treated with ceftriaxone IM and doxycycline orally?

    1. A nonpregnant client with gonorrhea and chlamydia


A patient diagnosed with pyelonephritis has an increased risk for this

Answer: What is preterm labor?


The nurse is listening to the fetal heart tones of a client at 37 weeks’ gestation while the client is in a supine position. The client states, “I’m getting lightheaded and dizzy.” What is the nurse’s best action?

    1. Help the client turn onto her left side.


The prenatal clinic is caring for a 15 year-old client who is at 8 weeks gestation. The client asks the nurse why she is supposed to gain so much weight. What is the best response by the nurse?

    1. Gaining 25-35 pounds is recommended for healthy fetal growth

  1. A client asks “when will my baby actually have a heartbeat?” the nurse should say the heartbeat of an embryo is distinguishable by what time?

    1. The Fourth Week 

  1. A woman with pyelonephritis during pregnancy are at significantly increased risk for which condition?

    1. Preterm labor


List 4 signs of cardiac decompensation

Answer: What is cough, dyspnia, tachycardia, edema, heart murmurs, rales, chest pain or cyanosis

  1. Woman who came in slightly dilated, 50% effaced, -1 station 1 hour later is more dilated about 8-9 cm, 90%, +1 station, what should the nurse do?

    1. Stay with the patient and call for help through the auxiliary personnel 


The nurse is preparing a prenatal class about infant feeding methods. The maternal nutritional requirements for breastfeeding and formula feeding will be discussed. What statement should the nurse include?

    1. Breastfeeding requires a continued high intake of protein and calcium

  1. During a prenatal exam, an adolescent client asks, “how does my baby get air?” What correct information would the nurse give?

    1. The placenta assumes the function of the fetal lungs by supplying the oxygen and allowing the excretion of carbon dioxide into your bloodstream.

  1. A client asks the nurse, “Can you explain to us how to use the basal body temperature method to detect ovulation and prevent pregnancy?” What response by the nurse is best?

    1. Take your temperature each day, immediately upon awakening, and keep a record of each finding. A noticeable rise in temperature indicates that ovulation is about to occur.
