Keep the bugs away
Take a Breath
Move to the Beat
It's a Head Case
Wild Card
This is the #1 method of preventing hospital acquired infections from occurring.
What is Hand washing? Foam in, Foam out.
Blood gas results are: pH 7.33, paCO 56, HCO3 28, paO2 82. Analyze this blood gas result.
What is Respiratory Acidosis?
This is the first medication & dose administered during a pulseless code (cardiac arrest) response.
What is Epinephrine 1mg IVP?

Tool used to record EEGs at bedside for limited time.

What is Ceribell?


These fluids do not affect the size of the cell. The extracellular fluid concentration is equal to the intracellular fluid concentration. Name 1 type of this fluid.

What is isotonic fluids. possible answers: 0.9 NS, LR

Three elements of the CAUTI bundle.
What are: avoid unnecessary catheterization; insert with sterile technique, minimize duration, maintain a closed system, secure catheter to patient, maintain unobstructed flow, daily catheter care with soap & water/CHG wipes
These vent settings affect ventilation.
What are Respiratory Rate and Tidal Volume?
This medication is used to treat SVT and must be given in a specific manner to reach the heart within seconds.
What is Adenosine? How is it given? What does it do?
Patients with SIADH need to be closely monitored for what electrolyte imbalance?
What is Hyponatremia
When fluid shifts out of the plasma into areas normally having minimal to no fluid.
What is Third Spacing?
Three elements of the CLABSI maintenance bundle.
What are daily discussion of line necessity, Curos cap use/scrub the hub prior to each line entry, daily CHG bath, dressing is kept DCI/occlusive and changed q7d per policy, line tubing changed q72hrs and labeled.
In this ventilator mode the vent adjusts breath by breath to deliver a "target" tidal volume at the lowest possible inspiratory pressure.
What is PRVC (pressure regulated volume control)? What settings do you set?

1st line drug to treat Torsades de pointes. How do you give this drug? IVP or infusion?

What is Magnesium?


A seizure lasting at least 5 minutes

What is status epilepticus?


Three ways to reduce ICP.

What is:

HOB 30-45 degrees up, quiet environment, keep head, neck and trunk midline, assess and treat pain, keep normothermia- avoid and treat fevers, airway protection- intubate if appropriate?

A patient diagnosed with C. Diff requires what type of isolation precautions? What does this include?
What is Contact Precautions. Gloves, Gown and face shield if possibility of a splash
What ventilator setting reduces cardiac output by increasing intrathoracic pressure, reducing the amount of blood delivered to the left side of the heart?
What is PEEP? What does PEEP stand for?
This medication is a first line treatment for symptomatic sinus bradycardia.
What is atropine?

A CSF infection with a low protein account and a normal glucose count would indicate what type of meningitis

What is viral meningitis?


Difference between ischemic versus hemorrhagic strokes, their diagnostic, and treatment

What is both will have CT scan and possible MRI? 

Ischemic may be treated with fibrolytics, bp mgt, anticoagulants, statins, antiplatelet meds.

Hemorrhagic: bp management, surgery coiling and clipping, monitor for seizures, ICP monitoring, and avoid blood thinners

HOB at 30 degrees Oral hygiene Peptic ulcer prophylaxis Sedation Holiday
What are elements of the VAP bundle?
Your patient is on a ventilator and his tubing that returns to the ventilator becomes disconnected. This alarm is most likely to sound.
What is the Low Volume Alarm?
The following are classic signs for what condition? 1. Increased JVD 2. Hypotension 3. Muffled heart sounds (this is also known as Beck's Triad)
What is Cardiac Tamponade
The pressure required to perfuse the brain cells? How it is calculated?
What is Cerebral Perfusion Pressure MAP-ICP=CPP
These drugs essentially turn off the sympathetic nervous system decreasing HR, BP and afterload. They increase diastolic perfusion and blood to the coronary arteries. Name a drug in this classification.
What are Beta Blockers Metoprolol, Atenolol, Esmolol