
Targeted Temperature Management
Moderate Sedation
Arterial and Venous Catheter Care

The name of the paralytic found in the RSI kit 

A.  What is Succinylcholine?

B.  What is Versed?

C.  What is Etomidate?


Inclusion criteria includes a Glasgow Coma Scale of less than_______

What is

A.  10

B.  8

C.  6


During a procedure that requires moderate sedation, vital signs, level of consciousness, and airway patency must be monitored every ___ minutes.

What is 

A.  10 minutes

B.  15 minutes

C.   5 minutes

D.   2 minutes


The shock state that presents with profound vasodilation and capillary leak which leads to relative hypovolemia.

What is

A.  Septic shock

B.  Cardiogenic shock

C.  Hypovolemic shock


For hemodynamic monitoring, the phlebostatic axis approximates this.

What is 

A.  The left atrium

B.  The right atrium

C.  The aorta

D.  The left ventricle


Explain the meaning of AC/VC with the following ventilator settings:

AC/VC - rate- 14, V-450, PEEP- 10, FIO2- .80

A. What is assist control/volume control in which the tidal volume is set for 450 for all patient breaths

B. What is assist control/ volume control in which the tidal volume is set for 450 for only ventilator assisted breaths

C. What is assist control/volume control in which the tidal volume is set for 450 for only patient initiated breaths


Exclusion criteria includes all of the following EXCEPT

What is 

A.  Sepsis

B.  Unmanageable hemodynamic instability

C.  Purposeful movement

D.  ROSC at 45 minutes after initial cardiac arrest


Moderate sedation should elicit this patient response

What is

A.  Purposeful response after repeated or painful stimulation

B.  Purposeful response to verbal or tactile stimulation

C.  Normal response to verbal stimulation

D.  Unarousable, even with painful stimulation


The components of cardiac output include:

What is

A.  HR x BP

B.  HR x preload

C.  HR x SV


A misplaced internal jugular attempted  central line suspected to be in the carotid artery can be evaluated by this

What is

A.  A pulsatile flow

B.  Transducing the line to assess the waveform

C.  Ultrasound

D.  All of the above


Interpret the following ABG:  pH- 7.18, PAO2 - 54, HCO3 - 16,  CO2 -61, sats- 90% with a patient on FIO2 - .80

A. Metabolic acidosis with hypoxia

B. Respiratory acidosis

C. Combined respiratory and metabolic acidosis with hypoxia


Goal temperature of _____  should be achieved within ____ hours of ROSC

What is

A.  33 degrees Celsius and 2 hours

B.  34 degrees Celsius and 4 hours

C.  33 degrees Celsius and 4 hours

D.  34 degrees Celsius and 2 hours


The reversal agent for opiates that can cause nausea, sweating, and hypertension.

What is

A.  Flumazenil

B.  Versed

C.  Sublimaze

D.  Narcan


The primary hemodynamic effect of Dopamine 5-10mcg/kg/min

What is 

A.  Increase preload

B.  Decrease afterload

C.  Increase contractility


The time a patient needs to stay in a supine position after a central line has been pulled

What is

A.  10 minutes

B.  1 hour

C.  30 minutes

D.  None- they can get up after hemostasis is achieved.


The interventions for a patient on a volume control mode with the alarm of high peak pressures.

A. What is suction patient? 

B. What is assess for agitation? 

C. What is consider a pressure control mode?

D. What is all of the above?


Stop all _______ infusions before the re-warming phase.

What is

A.  Potassium

B.  Magnesium

C.  Sedation

D.  All of the above


The FIRST action for a patient with moderate sedation that has an EtCOof 4, sats 94% and BP - 88/52(64).

What is

A.  Give them a fluid bolus- they are hypovolemic

B.  They are fine- recheck vitals in 5 minutes

C.  Assess airway, respiratory effort and sedation level


Ms. B. is admitted with c/o SOB and fatigue. Clinical findings:  Bibasilar crackles, S3, Chest X-ray- venous congestion and weight gain of 10 pounds in 1 week. The hemodynamic alterations  that need to be treated for Ms. B

What are

A.  Increased afterload, decreased contractility and increased preload

B.  Decreased afterload, decreased contractility and decreased preload

C.  Decreased afterload, decreased contractility and increased preload


The maximum amount of time a Huber needle can be in place before it needs to changed in a port-a-cath.

What is

A.  5 days

B.  7 days

C.  2 weeks

D.  1 month


The ventilator setting that can be changed to improve the following ABG: pH- 7.35  PAO2 -50  CO- 45 HCO3 - 23, sats - 88% on  AC/VC - rate 16, V- 425, FIO2 - .50, PEEP - 5

What is

A.  Increase Vt

B.  Increase PEEP

C.  Increase  FIO2

D.  Increase FIOand PEEP


Neurologic prognostication should not occur before ___ hours post protocol completion.

What is

A.  48 hours

B.  24 hours

C.  8 hours

D.  72  hours


Monitor a patient for minimum recovery period of ___ minutes from the last dose of sedation

What is

A.  30 minutes

B.  60 minutes

C.  15 minutes

D.  45 minutes


First line vasoactive drip after fluid resuscitation used for septic shock

What is

A.  Vasopressin

B.  Dopamine

C.  Epinephrine

D.  Levophed


The only exception for an medication infusion in a arterial line

What is

A.  Heparinized saline

B.  No medications

C.  In a code, when venous access cannot be established
