Why people act the way they do
Poppa can you hear me?
Anyone can have a bad day it is how it ends that counts
Who am I?

Inter (Between Persons) involving Personal (personal relationships). Behavior (how people act)

What is"Interpersonal Behavior"?


I am the use of actual spoken words.

I am Verbal communication?


What am I?

I am "Assertive"- a person who can get their point across while respecting others ex. I win, you win, using “I understand” “I feel” “I apologize”

I try not to be " Aggressive"- a person who uses forceful methods to get THEIR point across ex. I win, you lose, using “YOU” “ALWAYS” “NEVER” statements

c) Sometimes I am Non-Assertive-typically self-denying and does not express true feelings. They do not stand up for his or her rights and allows others to choose for them.

What is the "Behavioral Styles"?

I am the type of blood tests that are ordered when a myocardial infarction (heart attack) is suspected.
What are “Cardiac Enzymes “that are resulted in the Chemistry division? The common tests are the CK-MB, LDH-1 and Troponin –this is the test performed to diagnose an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) from a few hours to as long as 120 hour after onset. It is more sensitive than the CK-MB in detecting unstable angina with minor myocardial cell damage. Two subtypes may be ordered: troponin I and troponin T.
I am the area that studies specimens for color, clarity, pH, 9degree of acidity or alkalinity) specific gravity (degree of concentration), protein (albumin), glucose (sugar), blood, bilirubin, and urobilinogen. Sediment is viewed microscopically for organisms, intact cells, and crystals.
What is the “Urinalysis” division of the lab? May also be considered “Urine, Feces, and Fluids” Procedures for obtaining these specimens are: “Voided” (patient voids into a clean container); “Clean catch” ( midstream, urine specimen): The nursing staff uses a special cleansing technique to obtain this type of specimen. Catheterized urine specimen: This specimen is sterile and is obtained by catheterizing the patient. This procedure is usually done for culture and sensitivity testing performed by microbiology. Many times a Dr. will order a UA/C&S this means the Dr.wants two urine specimens: 1. Routine urine 2, urine for culture and sensitivity. This department also receives “Stool” specimens. A common Drs’ order for a stool specimen is “Stool for Occult Blood” occult (blood that is undetectable to the eye) Usually collected in sets of three. (Stool for Occult Blood x 3) Each specimen is numbered.

I am a general and dominant visual model of the basic human needs (Pyramid)

I am also the guideline to help and translate physician orders through the theory of starting with the basic needs of the patient                                                            

What is Maslow’s Hierarchy? 


I am the use of symbolic expressions Symbolic Ex: Clothing, hair, Body art, Cosmetics

What is "non-verbal communication"?

I use this method over and over and over and over  and over and over again! Hoping they will go away.  

What is "broken record"? 
I am the scientific study of poisons, their detection, their effects, and method for conditions they produce. Tests that are included in my area detect drug and alcohol abuse and also helps for monitoring drug usage.
What is “Toxicology”? Sometimes certain medications the patient is receiving may cause toxic blood levels accumulate instead of being excreted. Antibiotics such as amikacin, gentamycin, kanamycin, and tobramycin. Other drugs may include Dilantin, and Digoxin. These tests require the blood to be collected at different times These medications are ordered for a peak and trough levels. “Trough” means a set time prior to the drug being given and “Peak” a set time given to draw the blood after the med is given. ordered by the doctor and drawn by the nurse. The RN will give you the set of times.
I am a test that requires two specimens to study kidney function. It requires testing the blood and a timed urine specimen that is collected over 12 to 24 hours.
What is a “Creatinine Clearance” Test? The urine is collected in an Amber colored container obtained from the lab. It is collected over 12 to 24 hours

I need-Self Fulfillment

I need self –respect and respect and recognition from others.

I need to receive and to give love and affection. Friends.

I need safety from danger-job security, sameness, ordered structure

I need food-fluid-oxygen

What is "self actualization"? 

What is "Esteem needs"?

What is "Love and Belonging"?

What is "Safety and Security"?

What is "Physiological needs"


People say I have these ?

a) Ignoring

b) Pretend

c) Selective

d) Attentive

e) Empathic


What are listening skills?

a) ex. not listening

b) ex.  appearance of listening

c)  ex. listening to hear what you want

d) ex. listening by paying attention

e) ex. listening- mind, body, spirit


I follow this advise in the hospital culture when I am faced with this issue.

"I understand you’re upset let me get some information so you don’t have to repeat yourself to the charge nurse".

What is dealing with an angry telephone caller?

I am the study of microorganisms that cause disease.
What is “Microbiology”? These specimens are cultured, grown in a reproducing medium, identified with the use of biochemical tests, and then tested for antibiotic sensitivity. Clues: C & S, Culture and Sensitivity (can be ordered on almost any specimen, including blood, urine, stool, sputum, wound drainage, pleural fluid, bronchial wash fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, intravenous and urinary catheters and nose and throat specimens. Common test: Blood Cultures (Can be drawn at different times and sites) Ex: Blood Cultures X 3 Q 15 minutes apart. AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) – performed to detect tuberculosis. “Gram Stain” is treatment that begins immediately while awaiting the results of cultures thus allowing for differential diagnosis of the causative agent. It classifies bacteria into gram negative or gram positive groupings.
3. We are what the Dr. needs to add to the lab orders so that the nurse and HUC know how to carry it out.
What are the time “details” for ordering a lab test? “routine” – when the Dr. does not specify a time. Ex: CBC with Plt. Ct.; “timed”- Dr. orders a specific time. Ex: CBC with Plt. Ct. at 1500; “stat” – Dr. orders the test to be done now immediately. Ex: CBC with Plt. Ct. stat.

I am the process of transmitting images, feelings, and ideas from one person to another to retain a response Four Components:

I am "Communication"


I help people with these suggestions. 

a) Stop Talking

b) Teach yourself to concentrate

c) Take time to Listen

d) Listen with your eyes

e) Listen to what is being said not how it is said

f) Suspend Judgement

g) Do not interrupt the speaker

h) Remove distractions

i) Listen for both feeling and content

What are the guidelines for Improving Listening Skills?


I respect diversity (across the board)

I am Intercultural communication - I respect diversity (across the board) 

I am also known as "Culturally Sensitive Care".

I am the test performed on stool specimens to identify an infection. It often occurs while an individual is in the hospital. (Nosocomial). The patient may be put in isolation.
What is “C-diff or C. difficille (Clostridium difficille) Toxin?
My area is usually a part of the clinical lab. We have the responsibility of typing and crossmatching patient blood, obtaining blood for transfusions, storing blood, and blood components.
What is the “Blood Bank”? Clues to recognize a Blood Bank order. T & C; T & X; Type and X-Match; Give ____units of PRBC; Transfuse _____ units of PRBC. Three things that can be transfused. Blood, Plasma, and Platelets. Other blood tests done in blood bank are Coombs test, type and screen, type and tag. The pt. needs to sign an informed consent or a consent for refusal if pt. declines transfusion.

I have Four Components: a) Sender b) Message c) Receiver d) Feedback

What is "Communication"?


I repeat the message to the sender in my own words. Ex: “Let me see if I have this right…..” What am I?

I am a  Critical Feedback Skill: Paraphrasing


I am the three words used to help me handle conflict, negative behavior, angry and difficult people



What am I? I obtain information- in order to communicate messages to the nurses or doctors

I provide information for the Drs, nurses, visitors. Ex: When are visiting hours?

I can develop trust

I can show understanding of the needs of the pts, families, and co-workers.

I relieve stress- .

I am the five major areas in which the HUC may use communication and interpersonal skills.

I am the study of the nature and cause of disease as seen in body changes. Most of my specimens come from surgery.
What is “Pathology”? Histology and Cytology are subdivisions of the pathology dept. “Histology” is the study of microscopic structure of tissue. “Cytology” is the study of cells obtained from body tissues and fluids to determine cell type and to detect cancer or a precancerous condition.