Critical thinking traits and skills
Logic and the role of arguments
Understanding Fallacies

________________ refers to the physiological process of receiving sounds, while ________________ refers to the psychological process of making sense of these sounds.





Hearing, Listening


an argument in which the truth of its premises guarantees the truth of its conclusions.



deductive reasoning


Name 2 of the three formal fallacies

bad reasons fallacy (argumentum ad logicam), masked man fallacy (intentional fallacy), and fallacy of quantitative logic


2 part question- What is the final step in critically examining a message? Briefly explain the importance of the final step.                                               



Self-regulation - we consider our pre-existing thoughts on the subject and any biases we may have.




Draw the figure for deductive line of reasoning

Major Premise ---> Minor Premise ---> Conclusion


Which formal fallacy does the quote fall under "All philosophers are wise"

fallacy of quantitative logic



According to the author, listening becomes very difficult when



the message contains highly charged information


What approach does inductive reasoning take

Specific to the general



1. I don’t know why everyone is getting angry about property tax increases when there are homeless people everywhere.                   

2. My aunt told me that a home remedy for a sinus infection is better than antibiotics.
3. We lost the game today because I was not wearing my lucky socks.

A. False Cause   B. Composition   C. Appeal to Authority   D. Red Herring





1. I don’t know why everyone is getting angry about property tax increases when there are homeless people everywhere. D. RED HERRING                  

2. My aunt told me that a home remedy for a sinus infection is better than antibiotics. C. APPEAL TO AUTHORITY
3. We lost the game today because I was not wearing my lucky socks. A. FALSE CAUSE


Name four out of seven traits of a critical thinker that were listed in the textbook

Open-Mindedness, Analytical Nature, Systematic by Method, Inquisitive, Judicious, Truth-Seeking Ethos, and Confidence in Reasoning.


What do we analyze in deductive and inductive arguments? (2 answers)

Inductive- the strength of arguments

Deductive- the truth of its premises



1. Candidate O’Leary is clearly incapable of the mayor position. She has a baby out of wedlock.
2. BMW. You either own one, or you want one.
3. If I let you turn your paper in late, then all of my students will want to turn in their papers late too.

A. Appeal to pity   B. Black or White Fallacy   C. Slippery Slope   D. Genetic Fallacy                                   


1. Candidate O’Leary is clearly incapable of the mayor position. She has a baby out of wedlock. D. GENETIC FALLACY
2. BMW. You either own one, or you want one. B. BLACK OR WHITE FALLACY
3. If I let you turn your paper in late, then all of my students will want to turn in their papers late too. C. SLIPPERY SLOPE
