Important Terms
Faulty Arguments
The Stories
The Clips

A term used when it is evident that someone is not neutral in their judgment of an issue

What is biased


The device used to show "everyone is doing it"

What is bandwagon


Bernie Sanders is another tree hugging, dirty, liberal hippy

What is name calling


Ben Healy is a big fan of this frowned upon habit in conversation

What is gossip?


Danielle Citron warned us about this kind of technology that can be used to alter videos and make people look like they say or do something they did not.

What is a deepfake


The type of evidence used in observations and single stories

What is anecdotal


this device is used to make someone seem just like everyone else

What is Plain Folks


all republicans are rich, selfish morons

What is poisoning the well


Livvy wrote about a conspiracy theory that centered around poisonings that happened in this ancient city.

What is Rome?


This cartoon clip featured the red herring and had a dog advise a political candidate to distract the crowd by saying 911

What is Family Guy


This is another word for someone that leans "left" in their thinking

What is a liberal or a democrat


is a propaganda technique that seeks to manipulate audience perception of an issue by emphasizing one side and repressing another. Such emphasis may be achieved through media bias or the use of one-sided testimonials, or by simply censoring the voices of critics.

What is cardstacking


TV can't be harmful to children because it occupies their attention and keeps them off the streets- this prevents them from being exposed to drugs and drugs are what is wrong with our nation's children today

What is red herring/ will accept strawman or pointing to another wrong (Whataboutism)


Gorvett explains this reason people believe in a conspiracy theory because they want to be part of an "in group."

What is tribalism


When Nick Naylor changed the argument from chocolate or vanilla to freedom and then suggested his son did not value freedom, he was using what faulty argument?

What is strawman


when a celebrity or a person gives endorsement or tells a story to support an issue or a product.

What is a testimonial or false authority


is an emotionally appealing phrase so closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that it carries conviction without supporting information or reason. Using great words over and over

What is a glittering generality


If you don't vote for the bill to reduce corporate emissions, the environment will suffer and your grandchildren may never walk on grass or sit under a tree in their lifetime

What is an appeal to fear or slippery slope


Jennifer Eberhardt gave an example of implicit bias when her own son expressed this fear of a man he saw when he though he would

What is rob the plane


Chimimanda Ngozie Adiche illustrated the danger of having only one glimpse of a larger world view in her Ted Talk: The Danger of ___________________

What is the Single Story


When we take something for granted or accept an idea without sufficient proof of its truth or certainty

What is an assumption


We did this with the flags in the background for our propaganda add. It is meant to take one image and move the thoughts and feelings that go along with it to another person or product.

What is transfer


i will never get the flu shot again. I got it this year and now i have the flu. I know it was caused by the shot.

What is post hoc


In an article by Awaken Consciousness, the author tries to convince the reader that America never did this.

What is land on the moon


Ash Beckham explained in her TED Talk about difficult conversations that this "is no place to live."

What is a closet
