Is it an Argument?
Logical Fallacies
Evaluating Evidence
Emotion and Bias

I like playing football outside. 

not an argument


Do it now, or you'll never do it. 

post hoc

ad hominem

slippery slope

false dilemma

false dilemma


Your argument is about attitudes towards the Olympics during COVID-19.

a 2018 news article from Japan Times interviewing Japanese residents about their opinions of the Olympics in Japan

not good evidence!


Your argument: people living in Japan do not want the Olympics to be held during COVID-19. 

articles about only Japanese citizens' opinions

confirmation bias


I didn't tie my shoes before I went to school and passed the test. Therefore, I shouldn't tie my shoes if I want to pass the test. 

Yes, it's an argument.


We shouldn't listen to Kate because she is a woman. 

post hoc

ad hominem

slippery slope

false dilemma


ad hominem


Your argument is about vaccine safety.

a Facebook post from your friend about why vaccines are bad

not good evidence!


Your argument: Vaccines are important because they have been used for several decades and have helped to erase many previously deadly viruses. 

articles about vaccine efficacy, the dangers of vaccines, reports about how many deaths have been saved by vaccines, reports about how many deaths have been caused by vaccines

not confirmation bias!


The phone was charged because it was plugged into the wall. 

Not an argument.


The area is always windy, that's why the plane crashed. 

post hoc

ad hominem

slippery slope

false dilemma

post hoc


You argument is about boys' attitudes towards video games:

a study about boys' attitudes toward video games, and scientists interviewed 10000 male participants about their video game habits and feelings

good evidence!


Your argument: Video games are better for boys than girls because boys need a place to express their anger without hurting anyone. 

articles on why boys play video games, studies that show that video games are good for stress relief

confirmation bias


This animal barks. Dogs bark. Therefore, this animal must be a dog.

Yes, it's an argument. 


We shouldn't allow people to eat snacks on the train because soon they will want to bring a table and eat their dinner on the train. 

post hoc

ad hominem

slippery slope

false dilemma


slippery slope


Your argument is about violence in South American countries.

a news article about violence in India

not good evidence!


Your argument: South America is a violent place because many people are poor. 

articles about the rate of violence compared to crime in South American countries 

confirmation bias


He walked to the bus stop. The bus came. He got on and went to school. 

Not an argument.


You should go to bed early or you won't hear your alarm in the morning and you'll miss school. 

post hoc

ad hominem

slippery slope

false dilemma

slippery slope 


Your argument is about attitudes towards the Olympics during COVID-19.

a 2020 news article from Japan Times interviewing Japanese residents about their opinions of the Olympics in Japan

good evidence!


Your argument: people living in Japan do not want the Olympics to be held during COVID-19. 

articles about Japanese citizens' opinions, articles about foreigners' opinions

not confirmation bias
