Another name for a thesis statement is...
A main point, or a claim.
This student went fishing alone when she was a small child.
In the U.S., the age at which young people can first vote in elections is...
Add correct punctuation.
I like eating chicken, I cook it often.
I like eating chicken, so I cook it often.
Memes can be dangerous because...
They are often false, presented repeatedly, and catch us when we are vulnerable.
The main point of a single paragraph can be found in a sentence called the...
Topic sentence
This student prioritizes maintaining her health.
This is the age most U.S. parents might let their child ride a bike by themselves
Which verb usage is more common?
1) I did walk 2) I walked
When vetting a source on line, it's important to...
Check for currency, reliability, authority and purpose.
This might draw a reader in at the beginning of an essay or speech. (You could also catch a fish with it!)
A hook
If you want to learn more about failure, talk to her!
According to the essays we read about the Japanese show, Old Enough! the youngest age that a Japanese toddler might go out on their own is...
To "stick around" means...
To stay longer in a place
Defined as, "The tendency to interpret new evidence as a confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.”
Confirmation bias.
When using quotes in an essay, it's important to think about his kind of American lunch food.
A sandwich
This student would love to have a simple wedding.
At this age, most American parents might let their child bathe without supervisions.
Correct the verb:
I couldn't have enough time.
I didn't have enough time.
When we say "To be sure...." in an essay, this signals that...
We are recognizing and a different, contrary, point of view.
The conclusion.
This student plays baseball and lived with a housemate from Chad, Africa.
What are two reasons that Americans may be more protective of kids?
Cities built for cars, not pedestrians.
Gun violence.
What is a semicolon? How is it used?
A semicolon is a type of punctuation; it fuses two sentences into one.