All individuals are equal before the law and they are free from arbitrary arrest or seizure as defined by the law
What is justice?
This school of criminology is based on the belief that individuals have free will to engage in any behavior.
What is the Classical School?
The standard of proof used in criminal trials
What is beyond a reasonable doubt?
What is actus reus?
This level is responsible for the "nuts and bolts" of law enforcement
What is local or municipal?
What is police, courts, and corrections?
The father of criminology
Who is Lombroso?
Describes acts that are inherently wrong, regardless of whether they are prohibited by law
What is mala in se?
Case law is the basis for this
What is stare decisis?
This policing relies on data concerning past crime patterns to predict future crime patterns
What is intelligence-led policing?
Allows the offender to return to the community and remain under supervision of an agent of the court
What is probation?
This theory contends that criminal activities requires a likely offender, a suitable target, and absence of a capable guardian
What is routine activities?
What is civil law?
If two men rob a bank and the first intentionally kills the security guard, the second man (accomplice) can be charged with first-degree murder under what law?
What is felony-murder?
They are elected officials who do not necessarily need a background in law enforcement and resemble their counterparts from the political era
What are sheriffs?
The two main purposes of the criminal justice system
What are to protect society and maintain justice?
Relationship between two measurements or behaviors that tend to move in the same direction
What is correlation?
This approach to crime analysis supports statistical findings that a relatively number of victims are involved in a disproportionate number of crimes
What is repeat victimization?
The body of circumstances that must exist for a criminal act to have occurred
What is corpus delicti?
The smallest areas that a police officer or a group of police officers regularly patrol
What are beats?
This model describes laws being determined by whichever group holds economic, political, and social power at any given time
What is the conflict model?
Assumption that crime is the result of frustration felt by individuals who cannot reach their financial and personal goals through legitimate means
What is strain theory?
The protects society from harm by preventing and prosecuting crimes
What is criminal law?
What is entrapment?
This requires that all physically fit males offer their services to protecting the community on a rotating nightly basis
What is the night watch system?