
Munter (1993) states, 'Managers should delineate consciously and specifically' what it is they want to achieve as a result of communication - give four examples of these communication objectives.

Sign a contract, provide information, approve recommendations, or come up with a solution


How would you address a complaint from an international guest about a noisy room, considering their cultural background and communication preferences? (Tell or Consult and why?)

Would you inform them of the steps being taken to resolve the issue or involve them in finding a suitable solution? (Tell/Consult)


Does "pulling rank" have the same effect in any country?

Yes / No

Yes: Pulling rank has the same effect in any country, and although there might be several ways to do it, the outcome is the same.


Tone, perception, connotation, and semantics are all examples of what?

Barriers to well-understood communication related to language and culture differences and difficulties.


When introducing a guest from a Middle Eastern cultural background to additional services like spa treatments, would you simply inform them of the options or actively persuade them to try the services? (Tell/Sell & why?)

(Tell/Sell & why?)

Any reasonable explanation may get the points.


What can someone do to enhance their own image credibility?

Suit, make-up, correct hair style, perhaps? Or another reasonably astute answer.


Resisting the urge to apply one's own culture's meanings to gestures from other cultures is important. Thus, managers need to study more about which form of communication.

Non-verbal communication - body language.


As the manager of a team of staff from diverse cultural backgrounds, How would you choose to communicate while attempting to plan a large event (Tell/Sell/Join/Consult & why?)

Would you prefer to dictate the tasks to your team or seek their input on the best approach? 

Any reasonable explanation may get the points.


Establishing an initial common ground is a powerful way to build credibility. Explain this statement without reading from the document.

Reasonable answers accepted.


What is one risk associated with a communication structure that could be considered to be too direct? 

High-context cultures could be easily offended and potentially lose face. 


If a guest from Korea asks for recommendations on local attractions, would you give them a list of popular sites or discuss their interests to tailor your suggestions? Which method and why?

Any reasonable explanation may get the points.


Give an example of goodwill credibility from a high-context culture.

Any: Examples of high-context cultures, in which goodwill credibility is particularly valued, include many cultures in Asia and the Middle East.


Why might managers consider/reconsider their communication objectives?

Any example that references the inherent ideas related to the "locus of control".


As a female manager when training new staff from various cultural backgrounds (India/Pakistan/Iran) on hotel procedures, would you explain the procedures step-by-step or encourage them to ask questions and share their thoughts, considering their cultural communication styles and learning preferences? (Tell/Join)

Why would you choose this style?

If any other team thinks they can steal/split the points with a better answer - raise your hand now.!


Explain, with an example, the relative importance of expertise credibility within low-context - German, Swiss, and Scandinavian - cultures.

Peers will decide if a well-articulated explanation and example were given. If an opposing team can argue that it was not effective (and can do a better job), the points may be stolen or split.
