Chinese Leadership
American Leadership
Indian Leadership
Who are the heroes of China? Name 2!
The Yellow Emperor, Quin Shi, The First Emperor of China, Monkey King, Xiwang Mu, Queen Mother of the West, the 8 Immortals, Kuan Yin, The Goddess of Mercy and Compassion
What are the belief systems that affect Chinese culture? Name 2!
What is Confucianism, Taoism, Cosmology, Buddhism
What is the primary myth of the United States?
What is The Superhero aka Superman
What is the main religion in India and what/who is the main character of the religion?
What is Hinduism is the main religion Rama and Krishma
When practicing the martial art your legs would be spread apart at such a length to catch what animal?
What is A Goat
Who are heroes in America? Name 4!
What is Superman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Batman, Aquaman, Xmen, Fantastic Four, Spider Man, The Flash, Hulk,
What is the belief system that says that all of the parts of the cosmos are a part of the whole and are all working together?
What is Cosmology
What is post heroic leadership?
What is less towering leaders/ low power distance, sharing power
In which of Hofstede's 5 cultural dimensions does India differ from Western cultures like the US and UK? (There are three)
What is power distance, individualism/collectivism, and long term orientation
What is the two stringed instrument played with bow.
What is The Ehru
Who are heroes in India? Name two!
What is Hindu Trinity
What is the belief system that says that we, as humans, should follow the laws of nature and the universe and should conquer hardness with softness?
What is Taoism
What is needed for a modern organization for a modern organization to succeed?
What is post heroic leadership
A big factor that impacts the psyche, the myths and the values of a nation’s people is….?
What is the political history of the country. The political history leaves its distinct influence on the people and their value
Explain the circumstance behind the martial art that was presented.
What is "The young girl beating the powerful warrior."
What does the current era of leadership thinking focus on?
What is The importance of alignment facilitating shared visions, and unlocking high performance potentials of the followers
What is the belief that values hierarchy, familial piety, moral values, duty to community, knowledge, social network, prejudice against women?
What is Confucianism
What is romance of leadership?
What is idealizing leadership/ putting leaders on a pedestal, attributing much greater influence of the outcome than what the leader actually has.
What are the two important aspects when thinking about the political history of India was impacted?
What is.... 300 years of British colonial rule the large diversity in terms of language, culture and practices in India Both play a huge role in leadership practice (execution)
Chinese Music and Martial Arts play off a major theme, what is it?
What is Nature
What are the three key interrelated ideas discussed by Kessler and Wong-MingJi?
What is Cultural Mythology, Leadership, Globalization?
What is the belief system that focuses on suffering being part of existence, the origin of suffering is craving for sensuality, acquisition of identity and annihilation, and suffering can be ended by following the right view, intention, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration?
What is Buddhism
What are the characteristics of the prototypical US Superhero leader? Name 3!
What is (1)fight for noble, personal and societal goals, (2) strong, fast, brave, nimble, (3) leverage cutting edge technology and physical resources, (4)creatively develop and exploit the unique advantage, (5) be self reliant, yet compassionate (6), manage reputation and image, (7) self reflect on identity and purpose
Name one aspect that makes up the Bhagvada Gita?
What is dharma or duty, bhaki meaning dominance and subordination, being aware of the followers and their needs
Describe the student-teacher relationship between the presenters and their teachers and what ideology does this pertain to?
What is "look and don't ask questions" and Confucianism.