Figurative Language
What’s the Meaning?
Elements and Devices
Sound Devices

“I am no Pythagoras.” What type of Figurative Language is this?

Allusion, because it talks about a famous person or thing.


“Three players from the local college recognize dad and ask him for autographs ‘for our parents’.”

What does this section of the text mean?

It means that the people that asked him for autographs tried to say that they were trying to give something to their parents, but really they were getting them for themselves.


“I count and recount the thirty-seven strands of my past in the box beneath my bed.”

What type of device is used?

Symbol, because Josh’s hair represented his wings, which gave him good luck.


“Is a Mythical Manchild

of rather dubious distinction”

What type of sound device is used in this portion of the text?

Alliteration, because the words are starting with the same consonant sounds.


“We remember, dad. And then you told us Beethoven was a famous musician who was deaf, and how many times do we have to hear the same—“

What is the tone of this section of the text?

The tone is bored, because Josh and JB are bored from hearing the same story over and over again.


“I love this game like the winter loves snow” What type of Figurative Language is this?

Simile, because it uses the word “like”.


“I can tell he likes her, because when she goes in for a layup, he doesn’t slap the ball silly like he tries to do with me. He just stands there looking silly, smiling”

What does this section of the text mean?

It means that Josh can tell that JB really likes the girl, because he goes easy on her.


“‘Didn’t mom say no more donuts?’ JB asks dad. ‘What your mother doesn’t know wont hurt her’, he answers, biting into his third chocolate glazed cruller.”

What type of device is used in this text?

Irony, because while JB is trying to tell his dad that his mom said not to have anymore donuts, his dad already had three of them.


“‘Your dad’s old school, like an ol’ Chevette. You’re fresh and new, like a red Corvette.’”

What type of sound device is used?

Rhyme scheme, because there is a clear pattern to the rhyming.


“So each time I count the locks of hair beneath my pillow I end up with thirty-seven plus one tear, which never adds up.”

What is the author’s tone in this section?

The author’s tone is sad, because Josh misses his hair.


“His feet are the bank, and I’m the crook” What type of Figurative language is this?

Metaphor, because he is saying that he “is” something.


“Now you see why they call me filthy. Folks, I hope you got your tickets, because I’m about to put on a show.”

What does this section of the text mean?

It means that he is about to do really well in the basketball game.


“I fling a quick chest pass to my twin brother, JB, number 23, a.k.a the Jumper… JB bounces the ball back to me.”

What type of device is shown in this section from the text?

The device that is being used is imagery, because this is creating a vivid image in your head of what is going on in this scene.


“’cause now I’m Crunking, Crisscrossing”

What type of sound device is used in this text?

Alliteration, because the words are starting with the same letters.


”The last thing I want is EDUCATION!                        But, each night, mom makes us read.”                    What is the tone of this text?

Annoyed, because Josh does not want to do schoolwork, but his mom makes them.


“Each lock lifting me higher and higher like a 747 ZOOM ZOOM!” What type of Figurative Language is this?

Onomatopoeia, because it shows a sound.


“‘Is it true that twins know what each other are thinking?’ I tell her you don’t have to be his twin to know what he’s thinking.” What does this piece of text mean?

This means that Josh is saying that he doesn’t need to be JB’s twin to know that he is thinking about the girl and how pretty she is.


“Straight in the hole:


What type of device is this?

Onomatopoeia, because it is a word that is portraying a sound.


“I catch him and slap

the ball on the glass.”

What type of sound device is shown in this text?

Enjambment, because it does not have punctuation at the end of the line, so you are forced to keep reading to the next line.


“One day I’ll be the one writing note to some sweet girl and JB will have to squash his lips on some dummy’s sweaty mouth.”

What is the tone of this section of text? 

The tone is jealousy, because Josh was the one who got in trouble while JB gets to pass notes to the girl.


“He’s reading me like a book.” What type of Figurative Language is this?

A simile, because it uses the word “like”.


“The sky is your limit, sons. Always shoot for the Sun and you will shine.”

What does this sentence from the text mean?

It means that if you have big dreams, then you will accomplish great things.


“Breaking, Braking,

taking him to the left — now he's took.

Number 14 joins in ...

Now he's on the hook.”  What type of Device is this?

Imagery, because it creates a clear image in the reader’s mind of what moves Josh is making.


“As in: If JB hadn't been acting so silly and playing around, he would have cut one lock instead of five from my head and avoided this calamity.

As in: The HUGE bald patch on the side of my head is a dreadful calamity

As in: After the game Mom almost has a fit when she sees my hair. “

What type of sound device is this?

Refrain, because it is repeating the phrase “as in”.


“As in: Wait a minute-

why is the pulchritudinous new girl now talking to my brother?”

What is the tone of this section of the text?

Confused, because he doesn’t believe that a girl like her would like JB.
