Is food or sugary drinks allowed in the dorm common areas?
What is "No"
How long is a sign out?
What is one hour
Is food allowed in groups?
What is no
Who handles all medication?
What is Nursing staff or staff that are trained in giving out medication.
Is food or sugared drinks allowed in your room?
What is No!
Only water!
What phone number do you call when you need to reach staff when you are on pass?
What is CRV Cell
Should you be buying items in bulk?
What is "No" what can fit in your box!
Where is food stored?
What is in you assigned cubbies in staff office?
When are passes with medication due?
What is Tuesday
Are you able to sign out during Group times 9 am - 2:15?
What is no this includes lunch time
Can you have over the counter medication or protein shakes?
What is
Yes, but it has to be approved by PCP or Dr. Alba
Can you have another resident in your room?
What is appropriate personal space?
Real answer is to be mindful that personal space is a hard boundary to hold for a lot of people.
Do you ask the admin to do anything for you?
What is no. The admin only handles paperwork and visitors. Anything else please go to floor staff.
Laundry times for your either A&B or C&D?
A- Sat 9 am - 2 pm & Th 4:30 - 10 pm
B - Wed 4:30-10 pm Fri 4:30- 10 pm
C- Sat 9 am - 2 pm & Th 4:30 - 10 pm
D- Wed 4:30-10 pm Fri 4:30- 10 pm
Sign out vs. pass
What is
sign out is 1 hour
pass is longer than 1 hour
Cell phones allowed in group
What is no.
If you have a phone call please excuse yourself from group. (Only for appointments. Ask friends and family to call you later).
What is a PRN?
What is a medication that is as needed.
It could be OTC or something to help lower Sx such as anxiety, anger, psychosis etc.
How do you ask for privacy time?
Inform floor staff!
Should you prop doors open and why or why not?
What is NO!!!
Safety reasons. We do not want anyone walking in.
When is the AB/CD office closed
What is from 2:30 - 3:30 pm every day for shift exchange. Some Tuesday from 2:30 - 4:00 for staff meetings.
When are quiet times?
What is
Sun- Thurs 10
Fri- Sat 11 p
When can you not turn in a pass?
What is from 2 pm - 4 pm and after 9 pm
How many people can speak at one time?
What is one
Med Times
What is
AM: 7 - 9 AMNoon: 11 - 1 pm
PM 4 -6 pm
HS 8 -10 pm
Should there be any items including clothes on the floor?
What is No
What is the drop off area?
What is in the front by admin office! No cars allowed in the back area.
Is CRV a sober living environment?
What is Yes. this including legal substance such as THC, Alcohol, medication that is not prescribed to you.
When are visiting hours over for dorms?
What is 8 pm
Process of signing out?
What is signing out on the sign out sheet and signing back when when you return.
Is group attendance mandatory?
What is Yes.
What to do when a nurse is not there?
what is
come to the leadership office. We will find someone that can handout medication.
Are candles, incense, glass items, sharp items allowed in rooms?
What is no
What is the process of having a visitor?
You complete the resident visitation request form. At least one day prior.
What is required linens for your bed and how often do you have to change them?
what is Flat sheet, pillow case, and fitted sheet and once week.
What are three things not allowed in the common areas?
1. Sleeping
2. Laying down on couches
3. Eating
4. Playing loud music on your phone
The process of turning in a pass/overnight pass?
What is
complete pass/visitation request form and have it signed by staff.
What do you do when you need space during group?
What is
1. Inform instructor
2. Meet with leadership
What happens if you miss or refuse medication?
What is
You have the right to refuse medication but it may have an impact on your the effectiveness of your Sx or health. Please inform us if you have any concerns about your medication or want a medication adjustment. We will get you seen by Dr. Alba ASAP.
Not adherence to medication can jeopardize your placement.
When do you put food, glass/sharp items at?
Where are the smoking areas?
What is gazebo and table area
How do you sign up for TV/computer time and how long is the sign up?`
Using the TV/Computer time sign up sheet.
TV - 2 hours
Computer - 1 hour
What is the process of entering a dorm that is not yours?
What is you must be invited in by someone that lives in the dorm?
3 reasons why a pass would be denied?
1. During group times
2. Form is not completed
3. You are on restriction
4. You missed group due to Sx/feeling sick
Sign up sheet 3 rules.
1. You cannot sign up for other people
2. You cannot sign up for multiple groups
3. You cannot cross out other people's name or move up your name. STAFF ONLY.
Who is in charge of med changes?
What is Dr. Alba or any other psychiatrist
What prompts a welfare check?
What is when there is reasonable suspicion that you have something that is not allowed such as sharps, substances, medication etc. or you may be a DTO/DTS.
* Staff will ask if you would like to be present.
* There will be two staff at all times.
* We will respect your belongings.
When do the dorms close M-F?
During group times which is 9 am - 11:45 am and 1:15-2:15. Please plan accordingly.
What is the process of voicing that you have feedback for these rules or staff interactions?
1. Leadership
2. Right to file a grievance
3. Speak to the managers -Kareeb, Rachael, Jose, (Everything under the sun) and Bory (medication/nurses)