how many people are there per vending machine in japan
what is 40 people
Who wrote harry potter
j.k Rowling
who founded Georgia
James Oglethorpe
what was the highest grossing movie of 2024
sonic 3
First video game (I will take one of two answers)
Tennis for two
what did Nintendo sell before games
playing cards
who wrote romeo and Juliette
what was the name of the Jewish man accused of murdering a 13 year old girl
Leo frank
what was before Micky mouse
Oswald the lucky rabbit
Highest selling video game
how long was the longest concert
453 hours
who used host jeopardy
ken jennings
was Ga a free state or a slave state in the civil war
slave state
where was Napoleon dynamite filmed
Preston Idaho
first video game console
Mangavox Odyssey
how many dimples does the average golf ball have
336 dimples
who directed Jurassic park
Steven Spielberg
name the two presidents who died in Georgia
.Jimmy carter
what was the name of the dog who played Toto in the wizard of oz
Worst selling video game console
Apple pippin
what was shake spears first play
Henry VI
who voices shaggy rogers
Mathew Lillard
who sent the Indians on the trail of tears
Andrew Jackson
what was the highest grossing horror movie of all time
IT 2017
best selling zombie game
the walking dead