Define It

Coping Strategies
Tips in Interventions
In Crisis

Any situation in which the individual perceives a sudden loss of their ability to use effective problem-solving and coping skills.

What is a crisis?


Most people take short, shallow breaths into their chest. It can make you feel anxious and zap your energy. With this technique, you'll learn how to take bigger breaths, all the way into your belly.

•5 seconds in, 5 seconds out

•In for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, out for 8


What is deep breathing technique?


Try not to judge or discount the feelings of others. Whether or not you think the feelings are justified, those feelings are real to the other person. Pay attention to them.

What is empathy?


How long does the crisis usually last?

What is duration?


"We have two options. We can do ____ or ____. What sounds good to you?"

What is Choices?


Short-term management technique designed to reduce potential permanent damage or police/medical intervention to an individual affected by a crisis.

What is Crisis Intervention?


Reduces intensity of emotion

•5 things that you see

•4 things that you touch

•3 things you hear

•2 things you smell or like to smell

•1 thing you taste (alternatively 1 thing you like about yourself if tasting is not readily available)

What are Grounding Techniques?


more than ‘hearing’ someone’s words. It means fully attuning to the feelings and views of the speaker, demonstrating unbiased acceptance and validation of their experience

What is Active Listening?


Remove what started the incident, if possible.

Remove the consumer in crisis from the environment. If not possible remove others and the trigger(s) from the environment.

Separate consumer and staff that consumer is targeting. Even if it is the staff who is directly working with the consumer. 

What is safety measures?


"Hey, I know you are awesome at ___. Let's go do that together."

What is redirection?


•Natural disasters

•Rape, assault, or other criminal victimization

•Medical problems

•Mental health problems

•Loss or drastic changes in relationships 

What are types of crises?


Focus on slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle group. Can help you focus on the difference between muscle tension and relaxation.

What is progressive muscle relaxation?


Stand at least 1.5 to three feet from the person. Invading personal space tends to increase the individual’s anxiety and may lead to risk behavior.

What is (respecting) personal space?


Showing concern for the problems that are being experienced and a desire to assist with basic needs. Instill trust and confidence in the client through good eye contact, nonjudgmental attitude, creativity, flexibility, positive mental attitude, reinforcing small gains, and resiliency.

What is building rapport?


"I'll be in the other room when you are ready to talk calmly"

What is giving space?


•Reduce the intensity of an individual's emotional, mental, physical and behavioral reactions to a crisis.

•Prevent harm to self and others

•Reduce ED visits (physical, financial)

•Help individuals return to their level of functioning before the crisis.

•Assist the individual in recovering from the crisis and to prevent serious long-term problems from developing

•Assist individual in coping with future difficulties more effectively by developing new coping skills and eliminating ineffective ways of coping, such as withdrawal, isolation, and substance abuse.

What is the purpose of Crisis Intervention?


Intentionally think of a peaceful place or scenario to promote a calm state

What is Guided Imagery?


Allow the individual to release as much energy as possible by venting verbally. If you cannot allow this, state directives and reasonable limits during lulls in the venting process.

What is Verbal Processing?


Gather information including:

Type of Danger

Potential weapons

Number of staff

Location of other consumers


Client's diagnosis/behaviors

Redirection possibilities

What is conducting an assessment?


Keep a relaxed and alert stance, off to the side of the person

Using slow, deliberate movements

Maintaining a neutral and attentive facial expression

What is body language?


A severe and chronic disability that is attributable to a mental or physical impairment. The disability must begin before the 18th birthday, be expected to continue indefinitely and present a substantial disability.

What is developmental disability?


For this technique, you silently repeat a short prayer or phrase while practicing breath focus. This method may be especially appealing if religion or spirituality is meaningful to you.

What is repetitive prayer/mantra?


The more an individual loses control, the less that individual listens to your actual words. More attention is paid to your nonverbal communication. Be aware of your gestures, facial expressions, movements, and tone of voice.

What is Non-Verbal Cues?


Use simple words

Use short sentences

Ask one question at a time

Wait for the answer before proceeding

Use a soft, soothing, but firm tone of voice

What is communication?

____ can give a person a chance to reflect on what's happening, and how he or she needs to proceed. 

What is silence?
