One of the most powerful tools for helping students find their way out of the achievement gap.
What is Culturally-Responsive Teaching? (15)
We all need “this” and usable information in order to know how to apply culturally responsive tools and strategies.
What is background knowledge? (21)
It acts as the brain’s guard dog. It is designed to react in less than a second. When activated, all learning, problem solving, and creative thinking stop.
What is the amygdala? (40)
This is the first step in uncovering implicit bias and preparing to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.
What is identifying your cultural frames of reference? (56)
Ms. Flynn is a female, white teacher who has been teaching for 6 years. One day, Paul, a 12 year black male student gets up to sharpen his pencil. Ms. Flynn, says “Paul, would you like to take your seat?” Paul responded “no” and continued to sharpen his pencil. Ms. Flynn became furious and told Paul to go to the principal’s office. This is an example of...
What is cross-cultural miscommunication? (58)
It is designed to build the capacity of teachers, so that they are able to support students with moving from being dependent to self-directed, independent learners.
What is the Ready for Rigor Framework? (16)
Even people who have taken an explicit social justice stance have “this” based on their exposure to the dominant culture’s messages and memes over a lifetime.
What is implicit bias? (29)
We must understand how to build “these” so that our students’ brains have a sense of physical, psychological, and social safety so that learning is possible.
What are positive social relationships? (45)
When educators and policy makers believe that culturally and linguistically diverse students fail in schools because of their own deficiencies or their families don’t value education.
What is the deficit thinking paradigm? (59)
You just received an email from your superintendent that every school must put on a virtual multicultural show for Respect for All week. The memo stated the importance of all students sharing their cultural foods, clothes, and dance. This is an example of ______ culture.
What is surface culture? (24)
Also known as fluid intelligence, this is increased power the brain creates to process complex information.
What is intellective capacity? (16)
By telling stories and coding knowledge into songs,chants, proverbs, and poetry, groups with a strong________ record and sustain their cultures and cultural identities.
What is oral tradition? (28)
The subtle, covert messages that invalidate people of color based solely on their marginalized group membership.
What are microaggressions? (47)
Use this strategy to gain control of your emotions when you feel triggered.
What is the S.O.D.A. (Stop Observe Detach Awaken) strategy?
The newly elected Parent Guardian Association president is facilitating her first meeting. As part of her introduction, she mentions how her family came from Ecuador to America to have a better life. Her and her siblings were all born here and went to public school. At the conclusion of the meeting, another parent thanked her for sharing and said, “I was so impressed by how well you spokeEnglish. I thought we would have needed a translator for you.”
What are microaggressions? (47)
A set of unconnected school policies and teacher instructional decisions that over time result in students of color not receiving adequate literacy and content instruction while being disproportionately disciplined for nonspecific, subjective offenses such as defiance.
What is the school to prison pipeline? (13)
Getting dependent student of color ready for rigor begins with our awareness of current reality and acknowledgment of ________.
What is our past racial history? (34)
__________ begins with remembering that we are wired to connect with one another.
What is authentic engagement? (50)
This is used to expand our ability to recognize the different ways things are done in other cultures.
What is the Mindful Reflection Protocol? (61)
What is describe(description), interpret(interpretation), evaluate (evaluation)? (59)
While engaging in common planning, teachers had the opportunity to plan vertically. 3rd grade teachers expressed concern that 2nd grade teachers were planning too many opportunities for group work. They wanted students to to get used to working independently and relying on themselves because when they get to 3rd, they have a test to take on their own. 2nd grade teachers discussed the importance of group work and stressed that learning happens through group interaction. This is an example of...
What is the individualism-collectivism continuum? (26-27)
What is individualism vs collectivism?
a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.
What is Team?
the established set of attitudes held by someone.
What is Mindset?
have a strong effect on someone or something.
What is Impact?
a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
What is Community?
The acronym that encompasses the core values of Principals Sloan, Babb, and Curtis
What is MIC?