The Basics of Crucial Conversations
Mastering Dialogue
Dealing with Difficult Emotions
Putting it into Action

What are the three elements that define a crucial conversation?

Opposing opinions, strong emotions, and high stakes


What is the difference between dialogue and debate?

Dialogue is a free flow of meaning with the goal of mutual understanding, while debate is an attempt to win an argument and convince others of your point of view.


What is the "sucker's choice" and how does it hinder communication?

It's the false belief that you have to choose between two bad options in a conversation (e.g., being honest or being kind). It prevents productive communication by limiting options.


What are the two of the core components of "STATE" for sharing your path?

  • Share your facts
  • Tell your story
  • Ask for other's paths
  • Talk tentatively
  • Encourage Testing

What is the "Pool of Shared Meaning" and why is it important?

It's the collective understanding and ideas that participants create together during a conversation. It's crucial for effective communication and problem-solving.


Name two of the four skills essential for mastering dialogue.

Any two of the following:

  • Learn to look - observe for signs of a crucial conversation and your own reactions
  • Make it safe - create an atmosphere where others feel comfortable sharing
  • Master my stories - separate facts from your interpretations
  • State my path - share your facts, tell your story, ask for others' paths, talk tentatively, encourage testing

Explain the concept of "stories" and how they shape our emotions and actions in crucial conversations.

Stories are the interpretations and meanings we create based on the facts of a situation. They drive our emotions and actions, even if they aren't always accurate.


Describe how to effectively "Explore Others' Paths" to create dialogue.

Use active listening, ask sincere questions to understand their perspective, and paraphrase what you hear to ensure understanding.


Explain the concept of "Start with Heart" and how it influences crucial conversations.

It means focusing on your own genuine motives and desired outcomes for the conversation. It helps you stay focused on mutual understanding and avoid getting sidetracked by negativity or defensiveness.


Describe the "ABCs" for effectively sharing your story in a crucial conversation.

  • Agree - Start with areas of agreement
  • Build - Build from there, adding your concerns or differing perspective
  • Compare - Compare your views without criticizing or attacking

What are the three skills for mastering your stories during a crucial conversation?

  • Retrace your path - identify the facts, your story, and your feelings
  • Separate fact from story - challenge your interpretations
  • Tell the rest of the story - explore alternative explanations and consider the impact of your story

Explain the concept of "Move to Action" and outline the four elements of a good action plan.

Move to Action" means deciding how to move forward after a crucial conversation. A good action plan includes:

  • Who? - Who's doing what?
  • Does What? - What are the specific actions?
  • By When? - Set clear deadlines.
  • How Will We Follow Up? - Establish a plan to check in and ensure progress.