Do You Know
Math is Fun!
O & M

The odor detection limit for chlorine gas.

What is the odor detection limit for chlorine gas is typically considered to be between 0.2 and 0.4 parts per million (ppm), meaning most people can smell chlorine at this concentration level. 


Define a community water system (CWS).

What is a public water system that serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents?


Determine the horsepower produce by a motor at a flow of 1500 gpm against a total head of 25 ft if the pump is 82% efficient.

bhp = 11.5 hp


Total Dynamic Head is the head against which a pump must work while pumping liquid.  Which of the following is NOT used in calculation TDH?

b) Viscosity of the liquid


A split case pump has three impellers. What type of multistage pump is that?

What is a "three-stage centrifugal pump".

Multi-stage refers to a pump with multiple impellers arranged in series, and "split case" describes the design of the pump casing that can be separated for maintenance access, making it a three-stage split case centrifugal pump. 


Define the Pipe C Factor. 

What is: A factor or value used to indicate the smoothness of the interior of a pipe.  The higher the C Factor, the smoother the pipe (greater the carrying capacity).  


Define a Transient non-community water system (TNCWS). 

What is does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year?

Example - gas stations, parks, resorts, restaurants and others with their own water system.


How many cubic yards (yd3) of backfill material would be required to fill a 6,000' trench that is 6' wide and 8' in depth, after a 36-inch diameter water main has been laid in the trench?


A pump must pump 3,000 gpm against a total head of 25 feet. 

What water horsepower will be required?

WHP=18.94 hp


All water system sampling site plans must be approved by?

What is the (CDPHE) Primacy Agency?


The year Congress enact the Safe Drinking Water Act and the year they it revised?

What is Congress enacted the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in 1974 and revised it in 1996?


Define non-transient non-community water system (NTNC).

What is a non-community water system that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.

Example - schools, factories, hospitals, and others with their own water system.


A pump must move 2500 gpm against a total dynamic head of 115 feet. If the motor requires 75 kW of power, what is the wire-to-water efficiency?

w - w = 72.2%


A certain pumping job will require 9 hp. If the pump is 80% efficient and the motor is 72% efficient, what motor horsepower will be required?

mhp=15.6 hp


The most effective means of reducing atmospheric hazards in a confined space is.

What is ventilating the confined space?


Where should the pressure gauges be connected on the suction and discharge sides of a pump?

What is: Near the suction inlet and discharge outlet.

At the pressure taps supplied on the pump. 


The number of monthly distribution system chlorines residual tests that are required to be taken are based on?

What is the population served by the water system,

Larger populations generally necessitate more frequent testing at different locations within the distribution network.

As outlined by EPA regulations and state drinking water standards.  


How many gallons of paint are required to paint the outside and top (outside) of a water storage tank?

The tank is 200 ft in circumference and the sidewall is 25 ft. Note: 1 gallon of paint covers 225 ft2

Area of the tank top =

Area of tank side =

Amount of paint =

What is 37 gallons of paint


Determine the force, in lbs, being exerted on a  surface that is 3 inches by 4 inches with 15 psi of pressure.

Force, lbs=180 lbs


The party responsible for preventing contamination of the public water system by backflow prevention.   

Who is the water supplier?


Water distribution system piping should be rated to withstand how many times higher than normal operating pressure?
A) 10-15 times
B) 22.5-25.5 times
C) 2.5-4.0 times
D) 100 times

What is C:

        2.5-4.0 times 


How long can samples being tested for coliforms be refrigerated before analysis?

What is drinking water samples for coliform bacteria should be refrigerated and sent to a lab for analysis within 30 hours of collection. Explanation:


How many lbs of chlorine are required to disinfect a new 18" waterline that is 1,200' long at a             dosage of 50 mg/L?

The Pounds of Chlorine Needed is 88.



Name 3 of the 4 types of Positive Displacement Pumps.  

Internal Gear Pumps

External Gear Pumps

Lobe Pumps

Vane Pumps


The party responsible for keeping contaminants out of the potable water system on the user's premises.  

Who is the water user?
