An elongated, legless, predatory reptile.
What is a snake?
UC Berkeley has over twenty of these.
What are libraries?
The first midterm is before this important university deadline.
What is the drop deadline?
The page on the course site with the schedule for advising appointments and other times where you can get live help.
What is the Office Hours schedule?
A genus of constricting snakes.
What is Python?
What is 7?
The way to get points back on the midterm (if your score is less than half)?
What is attending discussions?
The primary method of asking questions or for debugging help asynchronously.
What is asking a question on Piazza?
A video game where the player is a growing line, and over time the player becomes an obstacle to themselves.
What is (the game of) Snake?
23 of these can be heard across campus (roughly) three times a day.
What are the Campanile's bells?
These assignments let you code together with another partner (but only one partner!).
What are projects?
A part of the course website where you can find feedback forms, course emails, and other important information.
What is the Contact page?
A thick cable which usually contains 4–64 individual audio cables inside a common, sturdy outer jacket.
What is a snake cable?
A dinosaur enjoys spending time at this location on campus.
What is the Valley Life Sciences Building?
Examples of this include: copying code from a student who is not your partner, copying solutions from online sources, posting solutions publicly during or after the semester.
What is academic misconduct?
The person to email if you have questions / concerns about the course or the section.
Who is Jamie (your section TA!)?
A board game for two or more players where the objective is to move from the bottom square to the top square, with movements determined by dice rolls.
What is "Snakes and Ladders"?
The name of the CD sculpture on the top floor of Soda Hall.
What is Rainbow Bits (by George W. Hart)?
What are homeworks?
What are video walkthroughs?