The minimum to add an account.
What is 500 or greater?
Bob wants to remove his capital one account because he states we're not doing anything with it.
Agent should review with Bob the funds he has available, if Negotiations has reached out and review the offers we can possible get.
The client doesn't want to move forward with LL but does not want to be transferred
What is send a email to Saskia and Myisha to forward over to LL
Client is upset due to misinformation she received before.
What is apologize for the misinformation?
Before reviewing anything on a client's account after verifying their information you must
What is ask the client is they have any questions?
The five points
What is, the client's name, account number, date of statement, creditor name and balance of the account?
Client states they will like to remove the account because the previous offers have been better.
What is review rebuttals advising the client not every offer will be the same?
Client wants to reject a SIF because it's at 56% and states his other accounts have been lower.
What is advising the client that every creditor is different and this is the best offer?
Client is talking but assumes you're over speaking her.
What is apologize and advise the client there may be a delay with the call?
What is the time frame for clients to send back a document?
What is 1 business day
This is needed for the add debt request to be processed.
What is the add debt template?
The client agreed to remove an account with you on the line that's related to the RI, what should you do?
What is place the account into "Removed-Client requested" as soon as you receive permission
The client requests a lump-sum payment
What is creating a request for ops to delegate out. If urgent, send a email to Saskia and Myisha
Client is screaming on the phone with you
What is active listening?
The client states they're unable to make up NSF, what should you do?
What is waterfall the client to see if the client can add something in
Jessica does not want to increase LOC.
What is explain to Jessica with out permission to increase LOC, we will be unable to process request?
These individuals should be included in the removal email.
Who is Natalia, CC; Andrae, Rolanda, Fatima, Crystal, Saskia and Myisha?
Jessica states she will like to lump a creditor we have term payment agreement with.
What is send an email to TL for it to processed by banking?
The call disconnects while you're in the middle of reviewing a SIF
What is call the client back, apologize for the call being disconnected and continue call flow?
Before ending a call, what should be said?
What is LL disclosure and CSAT survey?
Client wants to know how much the loan will be increased by before adding the account.
What is advising the client we will not know until we have a settlement offer on the table. At that time he will be advised by LL how much the loan may be increased by?
The "10%"
What is if the balance to remove is over 10%, we will have to do a ps refresh if the client request to lower their deposits?
Tom will like to skip all his deposits but before doing so?
what is review deposit change disclosure?
Escalations can be resolved by
Listening to a client's concern or compliant, apologizing when something is done wrong and looking for solutions.
When reviewing a settlement what information should be provided to the client?
What is the original balance, Current balance, SIF amount, payment dates, Pre-approval or approval, Method of payment and negotiation fee