Textual Transmission
What is the name of the extra books found in the Roman Catholic Bible?
The name of the extra books found in the Roman Catholic Bible are called the Apocryphal Books.
Plenary inspiration means that God’s inspiration extends to all Scripture. What does plenary mean?
Plenary means “full” or “complete”.
We can read the Bible today because of the faithful work of these individuals.
These individuals are called scribes.
We use this type of “language” when we don’t mean things literally. Example: “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.”
We use figurative language when we don’t mean things literally.
What is the name of the extra books found in the Roman Catholic Bible?
The name of the extra books found in the Roman Catholic Bible are called the Apocryphal Books.
The Hebrew Bible divides the books into three groups. What are they called in English?
They are called the Law, Prophets, and the Writings.
Verbal inspiration means that God’s inspiration extends to the very words the authors chose. What does ‘verbal’ refer to?
Verbal refers to the words of Scripture.
The majority of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, but some of it was written in this language. Name any two Semitic languages.
A few portions were written in Aramaic. Both Hebrew and Aramaic are Semitic languages.
What is the method we use to interpret the Bible and other literary texts?
Hermeneutics is the method we use to interpret the Bible and other literary texts.
When God’s Spirit works with human authors to inspire sacred writings, what is it called?
It is called Inspiration.
The English Bible divides the books into five groups. Name all five groups.
They are called Law, Historical Books, Poetical books, Major prophets, and Minor prophets.
God guided the inspiration process so that the finished product faithfully reflected what?
He guided the process in such a way that the finished product faithfully reflected his message.
What is the name of one of the most important group of scribes? What does the Hebrew word for scribe mean?
One of the most important group of scribes was the Masoretes. The Hebrew word for scribe means “counter”.
The Grammatical Historical Method seeks to find the basic meaning of Biblical passages by applying standard rules of these two things.
By applying standard rules of grammar and syntax.
How many books are in the whole Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament?
The books of the whole Bible has a collection of 66 books, 39 are in the Old Testament and 27 are in the New Testament.
The biblical canon is a measuring standard for these two things.
1. It serve as a measuring standard for faith and practice. 2.It serve as a measuring standard so people could compare their lives to what the Bible required.
The plenary verbal inspiration theory recognizes and affirms these two things.
It recognizes the human element in Scripture and allows that different writers wrote in different ways. It affirms the Holy Spirit as the Bible’s ultimate Author.
The faithful transmission of THIS was an important aspect of society.
Faithful transmission of accurate information was an important aspect of society.
The Bible contains many different types (or __________) of literature.
The Bible contains many different types (or genres) of literature.
What does Paul describe “All Scripture” as in 2 Timothy 3:16? Paul described “All Scripture” as “God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”
Paul described “All Scripture” as “God-breathed.
What is the three tests for canonicity?
Test #1: Written by a prophet or other Spirit-filled person Test #2: Written to all generations Test #3: Written in accord with previous revelation
7. What are the two implications of the plenary verbal inspiration theory?
First, it means that the Bible is trustworthy. Second, it means the Bible is authoritative.
What are the names of three of the most important copies of the Old Testament?
The three most important copies of the Old Testament are Masoretic Text, Samaritan Pentateuch, Dead Sea Scrolls.
What is the term that refers to the words or sentences surrounding a statement that helps us understand the meaning of that word or statement? Bible students should study these three types of contexts.
The term “context” refers to the words and sentences surrounding a word or statement that help us understand the meaning of that word or statement. Bible students should study three kinds of context: immediate context, remote context, and historical context.
What is the interpreter’s final task after determining the meaning for the original audience?
Is to determine what the text means for today.