This artist called one of his songs after a fruit.
Harry Styles with Watermelon Sugar.
Hundreds of cash-strapped contestants accept an invitation to compete in children's games for a tempting prize, but the stakes are deadly.
What is Squid Game
How many players does a hockey team got on the ice?
Six players.
It is one of the video games with the highest amount of hackers and cheaters in 2021.
Call of Duty: Warzone
This politician went viral in his mittens and parka at the Presidential inauguration, sparking countless memes.
Who is Bernie Sanders?
This artist has called you a thousand times.
Who is Adele
This Marvel film was released with Scarlett Johansen this year on Disney Plus and shares the same name as a spider
What is Black Widow
This Olympic medalist has a catchphrase that goes by, "Pika Power".
Monica Puig
On which childhood TV show did the main character come back, reminding us that he never forgot us.
What is Blues Clues?
Many families in the U.S.A. decided to stop working and live out of monthly and seasonal payments. This payments are called?
Stimulus Checks.
Who is Silk Sonic
This reality show, detailing the lives of an uber-wealthy family, aired for 20 seasons and ended it's run in June 2021.
What is "Keeping up with the Kardashians"
How many matches did famous boxer Mohammed Ali lose in his career?
What was the name of the main character in Squid Game?
Who is Seong Gi-hun?
The summer Olympics of 2028 will be held at?
Los Angeles
Elton John teamed up with which pop star to record 'Cold Heart' in 2021?
Who is Dua Lipa
This popular sci-fi movie took place on a desert planet and used Spice for space travel
What is the national sport in Japan?
How many letters are there in the alphabet?
11 letters in "the alphabet".
This country became the first in the world to accept Bitcoin as an official currency.
What is El Salvador?
2021 was a good year 4 this pop/rock artist. Can u guess who it is?
Who is Olivia Rodrigo
This show on Disney Plus is based on a mischievous Norse god?
This vertical Sport made its debut in the Olympics this year
What is sport climbing
This was the most downloaded app game in the world with 191 million downloads.
What is Subway Surfers?
The variants of Covid-19 virus are named using this alphabet.
What is the Greek alphabet?
This artist had a massive hit with the song "Stay" featuring Canada's very own Justin Bieber.
Who is the Kid Laroi
The documentary "Street Gang" traces the history of this popular television franchise.
What is Sesame Street
This team won the 2021 Pro Bowl (football).
No-one- it was cancelled!
Facebook announced on Oct. 28 that it was changing its corporate name to?
What is Meta?
In the Super Bowl LVI halftime show, which artist kneeled before the audience despite being told not to do so.