When is a checked Exception checked?
What is Compile time?
What are the two types of IO
Bonus 20: what are the two types of streams?
What is Reader/Writer
Bonus: input/output streams
What are Graphs composed of?
What is Nodes and edges (Nodes = vertices, same thing)
What is the super class for all components in JavaFX
what is Node?
What method must all Observers have
what is update?
What kind of exception is an arithmetic exception?
What is unchecked?
What is the Major difference between a Scanner and a FileReader
Scanner doesn't do any exception handling while FileReader will close no matter what when using a"try with resources"
What is an undirected Graph
What is a graph where each edge can go either way?
(No arrow heads)
What method actually adds in the components
What is Start?
What are the 5 components to a border pane
What is top, bottom, right, left, and center?
What is the one way to avoid the finally clause?
What is System.exit(<status code>)
What is a decorator pattern?
When an object takes in another object to expand its functionality
What method checks if a configuration is valid or not?
what is isValid()
What 2 things begin the JavaFX hierarchy?
What is Stage --> scene?
What is the general life cycle of a GUI
Bonus 50: what components are optional?
what is main --> default constructor --> init --> start --> stop
Bonus: default, init, and stop, and main
What is the output of:
int x = 0;
int y = 1;
int z = y / x;
}catch(ArithmeticException e){
}catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("heebeee");}
System.out.println("Jee bee");
What is
Jee bee
Internally when I create a buffered reader, what internal objects are being made
I.E new BufferedReader("name")
what is
What equation gives us the total number of configurations when searching/backtracking?
What is k^n where k is our branching factor and n is our maximum depth
Name the 3 big layouts and describe them.
Bonus 100 points if you can name the two box-based panes.
What is
Flowpane -->
GridPane -->
BoarderPane -->
BONUS: (Hbox and VBox)
What is created when a button is clicked and how should you handle it?
An ActionEvent and it should be handled by an EventHandler
(its also fine to just say the controller handles the event)
What are the two ways to handle a checked Exception?
What is throwing it or catching it?
Perform DFS on the following graph to find the path from 1 --> 5 assuming numerical order determines neighbor order. *YOU MUST SHOW EACH ELEMENT OF THE SEARCH*
1 = [2]
2 = [3, 6]
3 = [4,6]
4 = []
5 = []
6 = [5, 3]
1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 6 --> 5
SPRINT: Draw the following design
Stage --> scene --> Border Pane
TOP --> Border Pane --> left --> label
RIGHT --> border Pane --> TOP --> Flowpane (vertical) --> 3 buttons
Center --> GridPane --> 3 by 3 buttons
What is ...Ill just look
What are the components of the MVC model and what is their purpose?
Model: Handles the data, logic and rules
View: Handles the visual representation of the application
Controller: Responds to user interaction and performs interactions on the model (updates the model)