This uninformed search strategy explores the shallowest nodes first in a search tree.
What is Breadth First Search?
This algorithm tries to reach an objective function's peak by always moving towards a better solution.
What is hill climbing?
This algorithm can be used to brute force tic-tac-toe.
What is minimax?
In a Markov chain, this matrix lists the probabilities of moving from one state to every other state.
What is a transition matrix?
The number of integer years Raj has completed at Northeastern
What is one?
A term for searches that may not always find a solution.
What is an incomplete algorithm?
"That's the best pizza in a 2-mile radius, but Boston has better..."
The AI concept am I hinting at...
What are local optima?
A game where one player's gain is the other's loss
What is a zero sum game?
After many transitions, a Markov chain often settles into a fixed distribution over states known by this term.
What is a stationary distribution?
The sport Raj plays
What is badminton?
This is the uninformed counterpart to the A* search.
What is uniform cost search?
This operation combines two parent solutions into a single child.
What is a crossover?
This search strategy deepens the search gradually, ensuring that a valid move is available even if time runs out.
What is iterative deepening search?
In HMMs, this distribution (matrix) specifies the probability of an observed output given a particular hidden state
What is an emission matrix?
This is Raj's favorite coffee drink
What is a cortado?
What is greedy best first search?
In frustration, the conductor yelled at his orchestra, "From the beginning!"
The AI technique am I hinting at...
What are random restarts?
The source of the name, alpha beta pruning
What are bounds on the evaluation function?
This dynamic programming algorithm computes the overall probability of an observation sequence.
What is the forward algorithm?
This is how old Raj is
What is 29?
I think it will take me 20 minutes to walk to Back Bay. It takes me 12 minutes. This is what I am.
What is an inadmissible heuristic?
The functional form the probability of accepting a worse move takes in simulated annealing?
What is an exponential decay?
A key assumption when using expectiminimax
What is a perfect information game?
The quantity the Viterbi algorithm calculates
What is the probability of the most likely hidden sequence?
The number of languages Raj speaks
What is 6?