This command is used to create a new table in SQL.
This SQL command is used to create a virtual table that is derived from other tables.
This Python function is used to establish a connection to a MySQL database server.
This dependency is represented as X -> Y , where the value of X determines a unique value of Y .
Functional Dependency
This type of storage is preferred for its high storage capacity and low cost, often used in hard disk drives.
magnetic disk storage
This constraint ensures that a column value in one table matches a primary key in another table.
This keyword is used to specify that a procedure parameter both receives and returns a value.
This type of SQL approach embeds SQL commands directly within a programming language’s code, such as in Java or C.
Embedded SQL
This is the process of organizing database attributes to reduce redundancy and improve integrity.
This parameter, represented as “B”, indicates the fixed size of a block in disk storage systems.
block size
This aggregate function returns the total count of rows in a group.
In a SQL trigger, this keyword refers to the row values before an update.
This Python method fetches the next single row of a query result when using a cursor.
A relation is in this normal form if every non-prime attribute is fully functionally dependent on the entire primary key.
Second Normal Form (2NF)
This method handles collisions by adding overflow locations and linking records with pointers.
This type of SQL join includes all records from the left table and matches records from the right, filling NULLs when necessary.
This MySQL keyword is used to create a cursor for iterating over a set of rows in a stored procedure.
n the MVP architecture, this component is responsible for holding the application’s data and handling business logic, without any direct access to the View.
This normal form requires that for every functional dependency X -> A , X must be a superkey of the relation.
Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
This hashing method allows for the dynamic growth or shrinkage of file records, adjusting the directory as necessary.
extendible hashing or dynamic hashing
This clause is used to filter groups based on a specified condition after the groups are formed.
HAVING clause
This clause must be added to a view definition to ensure that updates keep tuples within the view’s criteria.
his command-line tool is essential for managing resources and deployments on GCP, allowing users to deploy applications, manage projects, and configure services
A relation is in this form if it is in 2NF and no non-prime attribute is transitively dependent on the primary key.
Third Normal Form (3NF)
SAN technology provides high-speed storage solutions with flexible connectivity, sometimes allowing up to 10km separation between server and storage using this type of cable.
fiber optic cable