the value to assign to the formal parameter
Actual parameter
To improve the readability, reusability, or structure of program code without altering its functionality
An object-oriented programming concept where the instance variables of a class are hidden from other classes and can be accessed only through the methods of the class
A combination of data and operators that evaluates to a single value
Where a variable can be used
The value to be passed to a constructor or method
Formal parameter
The line of code we need to include to access the built-in Scanner class for collecting user input
import java.util.Scanner;
Gives the value that is currently assigned to an instance variable
Accessor method
When two Strings are joined together
The attributes of an object that are represented by its instance variables
The first line of the constructor which includes the public keyword, the constructor name, and the values to specify when an object is created
Constructor signature
A collection of methods or reusable components of code
Instance variables of a class should always be defined using this keyword
The data that is operated on
Starts with a \ to indicate how to display a String
Escape sequence
A constructor that has a specific number of arguments to be passed to assign values to an object's instance variables
Parameterized constructor
A software development principle that uses the acronym DRY, which aims to reduce repetition in code
Don't Repeat Yourself
Changes the value assigned to an instance variable
Mutator method
To cut off data from the end
A data type that contains a pointer to the memory location of an object
Reference type
The keyword used to call the superclass constructor from a subclass
The keyword used to refer to the current object and its instance variables when writing a constructor
A type of keyword used to set the visibility of classes, variables, constructors, and methods
Access modifier
Shortcut syntax to perform an operation on both operands and assign the result into the variable on the left
Compound assignment operator
Copying the value of the actual parameter to the constructor's formal parameter
Call by value