You can find the Great Lakes wedged in between the border of these two countries.
Launchpads are way to travel between places like Greasy Grove and Tilted Towers in this Battle Royale game.
When not smokin' weed everyday, apparently in 2020 this rapper was busy releasing his own Aquila beer company.
Snoop Dogg
Freddy Kreuger preys on teenagers in this horror classic.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
The state of Kashmir is often fought over at the Line of Control between these two Asian countries.
Pakistan and India
Novation is a popular maker of Launchpads used to trigger sounds and different samples in this discipline.
Coors is a well-known beer brand headquartered in this state, acknowledged by Pikes Peak in its logo.
Robin Williams and Elijah Wood voiced characters in this animated flim about a dancing penguin!
Happy Feet
Youtube videos of skits by this comedy duo can be found, including their famous one about a substitute teacher.
Key & Peele
Fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh has led to strife at the border of these two countries.
Armenia and Azerbaijan
NASA's launchpad can be found at this location.
Cape Canaveral
Homer Simpson can frequently be found drinking this fictional beer brand, not to be confused with a 2015 teenage "comedy" flim.
Duff Beer
Hozier thinks he'll take his whisky neat in this 2024 for hit of his.
Steady applying for internships, I can be often seen using this service's site to help him autofill their applications.
The Pyrenee Mountains act as a baseline for the border between these two larger countries.
France and Spain
This accelerator started in 2005 has been a launchpad for starting companies like Stripe and AirBNB.
Y Combinator
This company aired an iconic Super Bowl of 3 Frogs chanting the syllables of its name in 1995.
Going Up the Country is a groovy 60's hit for this band.
Canned Heat
A deep dive into plays by the country's Antonin Artaud is buried among other quiz bowl studying.
These two countries are the only ones to start with the same letter and share a border.
Bolivia and Brazil
This rocket from SpaceX successfully returned and landed back on its Earth launchpad for the first time.
Starship rocket
This beer brewed in Belgium gets its name from Latin, not the name of a girl.
Stella Artois
This lockdown defender for the Toronto Raptors transferred away to the Houston Rockets in 2023.
Fred VanVleet
On Monday, several searches regarding the integrity of this operating system's "Cinnamon" version were made. I installed the system the next day.
Linux Mint