A programming model based on a series of computational steps
What is Procedural Programming?
Has no child nodes
What is a Leaf Node?
Can add elements without moving the entire structure
What is a Linked List?
What is a stack?
A programming model based on things
What is Object-oriented programming?
LinkedIn, Facebook, Company Hierarchy Chart
What is an application of a graph?
Has 1 or 2 child nodes
What is an Internal Node?
Data and a Pointer
What is in a Linked List node?
Push, Pop, Top, Size, Empty
What are the functions for a Stack?
A function that calls itself
A B, C
What is Adjacency List
Has no Parent Node
What is a Root Node?
A Last In, First Out Structure
What is a Stack?
Push, Pop, Front, Back, Size, Empty
What are the functions for a Queue?
What is a constructor?
A 1 1
B 1
C 1
What is Adjacency Matrix
Lines connecting Nodes
What are Edges?
A First In, First Out Structure
What is a Queue?
Function and Class
What are the applications of templates?
What are default, parameterized, and copy?
Has edges with a direction
What is a directed graph?
Nodes with the same depth
What is a Level?
What is the path length?
template<typename T>
What is the code to declare a function template?
The implicitly-passed object pointer when a member function is called on an object
What is 'this'?
Has edges with a cost or value
What is a weighted graph?
The largest depth of any node
What is the tree Height?
What does the pointer in the last node of a Linked List contain?
template<typename T1, typename T2>
What is the code to declare a function template w/mult parts?