what class of supply are rations such as MREs, fruits and vegetables
Class 1
What Army Regulation covers Property Accountability?
Army Regulation 710-4: 26 January 2024
"Property Accountability"
This type of responsibility is governed by the Commander assigned to your organization
Command Responsibility
180 days.
This class of supply are the major end items: vehicles and major weapons systems
Class 7
This form is used when a Soldier is being charged due to loss/negligence
DA Form 7923: Statement of Charges/Cash Collection Vouches
Every individual has this type of responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Who is your EO/SHARP representative?
DS Isreal - SHARP
DS Harrison/DS Voegerl - EO
Class of Supply that are personal demand items such as: post exchange alcohol, cigarettes, candy and soap
Class 6
DA Form 5513: Key Issue and Turn In
This type of responsibility is the primary responsibility of Supply personnel assigned in your unit
Custodial Responsibility
what AR covers preparing and managing correspondence?
AR 25-50
Items composed of repair parts and components, including kits and assemblies or items for maintenance support
Class 9
What form is used as a temporary hand receipt for equipment?
DA FORM 2062: Hand Receipt/Annex Number
What type of responsibility falls on leadership, who supervises their subordinates for property accountability?
Supervisory Responsibility
Who is the chief of Public Affairs?
Brigadier General Amanda I. Azubuike
Items that are considered non standard army equipment such as: printers, computers, etc
Class 10
What Army Regulation you can reference the depreciation of equipment maintained in the Army?
AR 735-5: Appendix B
"Property Accountability Policies"
This type of responsibility has the property within their custody, but not necessarily in their possession or for their use
Direct Responsibility
When was the U.S Army founded? (MM/DD/YYYY)
June 14th 1775