Plays for NAVI, and hit a double noscope on cache against FNATIC
Who is S1mple?
Is known for his tips and tricks for CSGO maps and lineups
who is nadeking?
where is inferno
default T pistol
what is the glock?
A boost was named after him on overpass allowing vision over a wall into water. "the ' ' boost"
Who is OlofMeister
Is known for unboxing high amounts of skins on RollBit
This map is overplayed but is still the best map in the game, more sandy and a three lane map
where is mirage
default CT pistol
Was known at the time as "the king of banana" for his exceptional skill at holding it as a CT
Is known for talking and explaining updates, bugs, and discussion
Who is 2kilksphillip?
Based on a skyscraper
Where is vertigo?
Main T side mid buy
what is the ak-47?
Who is Coldzera?
Is known for his comedic attitude and funny moments CSGO videos. Would also often play with his dad to unbox skins
who is Anomaly?
Is based on a castle that is abandoned and to be blown up by terrorists
where is cobblestone?
Main CT full buy
Had a graffiti for him on Inferno for a nade thrown into a bomb safe spot, killing the two players who were boosted there to the bomb
Who is Dosia?
who is Chaboyy
Is set in a power plant far away from any city
where is nuke?
dumb gun for T side memes
what is the negev?