What is the original due date for calendar year-end plans?
July 31
What does ERISA stand for?
Employee Retirement Security Act of 1974
What was the AICPA EBP Conference focus in 2019?
Risk Assessment
Name of the two goals of the Binder Template.
Maintain Quality & Increase Efficiency
What does SOC stand for?
System and Organizational Controls
What does DOL stand for?
Department of Labor
What are the REAL Values?
Respect, Excellence, Accountability, and Leadership
What MLB team won the World Series in 2016?
Chicago Cubs
What does QPAC stand for?
Qualified Pension Administration & Consulting
Notes receivable are limited to the lessor of:
50% of $50,000
How many plans did our firm audit in 2018?
Which WP is now required to be included based on the Binder Template?
2061 - Inherent Risk
WP 2071 must identify at least one of these types of risk.
What entity has been tasked with protecting retirement benefits of private retirement Plans since 1974?
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
In what year was our firm founded?
A coonskin cap is also called this, after a frontiersman who served in Congree
Davy Crockett
Which Schedule provides information about insurance contracts?
Schedule A
What 2 assertions must be present to permit a limited scope audit?
Accuracy and completeness
What is the 2018 Annual Compensation limit?
What is the FY 2018 realization goal for the EBPA practice?
What 3 areas provide input in the Risk Assessment at WP 2071?
SOC, Inherent Risk, and Walkthroughs
Name 2 governing bodies that are involved in qualified plan oversight.
Name 4 industries in which our firm operates:
Affordable Housing, Construction, Dealerships/Franchises, Financial Services, Government, Healthcare, Higher Education, Manufacturing/Distribution, Not-For-Profit, Private Equity, Real Estate, Professional Service Providers, Retail, Science/Technology, and Transportation/Logistics
What is the next number in the sequence: 4, 16, 64, 256...
What supplemental schedule is required for the Schedule of Assets (Acquired and Disposed of Within Year)?
Schedule H, Line 4i
If late remittances are discovered, what amounts need to be included in the Form 5500 supplemental schedule?
Employee portion and Loan repayments
What is the EBP new business goal $ amount for 2019?
What is the client number associated with the EBPA Binder Template?
What is the definition of Inherent Risk?
Risk of a material misstatement assuming no related controls
What Revenue Procedure provided for Expansion of Self Correction?
Rev Proc 2019-19
Name 2 of the 4 parts of The CSH Way
Trust, Guidance, Outcomes, Vision
Name the first 5 Presidents of the United States of America, in order
George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe
What is a common reconciliation item between the 5500 and the audit?
Receivables, Deemed Distributions, or CV adjustments
What law, signed by our 43rd President, changed auto enrollment and auto escalation for Employee Benefit Plans?
Pension Protection Act of 2006
Who is the Chair of the EBP Technical Subcommittee?
Margie Alf
What will limited scope audits be called beginning for periods ending on or after 12/15/2020?
ERISA 103(a)(3)(c)
In what year were the SAS's effective that clarified the risk based audit approach?
Audits for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2006
How does the PBGC assist multi-employer plans that have become insolvent?
Provides a loan to assist the Plan in making future and current payments.
Name 1 of the 4 client testimonials on the CSH website
Heritage Bank, Akers Packaging, The Cincinnati Zoo, and Grote Company
In 2018, he announced that his 3-year Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour would be his last.
Elton John