She has a five-octave range and had a #1 hit in each year of the '90s, the only singer to do so.
Who is Mariah Carey?
These 4 words spell out a phrase for your soulmate; some say the acronym is pronounced "lom-el"
What is love of my life?
It's the southernmost nation in which traffic on the left side is standard
What is New Zealand?
This ballet by Tchaikovsky is often performed around Christmas
What is the Nutcracker Suite?
In Japan you use the broad end of these utensils to pick up food from a communal dish
What are chopsticks?
"Don't just stand there, let's get to it, strike a pose, there's nothing to it"; come on, it's this hit song's singer.
A word for informers; they proverbially "get stitches"
What are snitches?
One of the few non-British colony left-side nations, it shares a border with right-traffic Laos, Myanmar & Cambodia
What is Thailand?
This aptly named famous waltz was written by Strauss to uplift the people of Vienna.
What is the Blue Danube Waltz?
As a noun, it's a wire utensil for beating eggs; as a verb, it means to move quickly
What is a whisk?
After hearing Elvis live in his hometown, this Texan pioneer of the genre switched to singing rock 'n' roll in the 1950s.
Who is Buddy Holly?
Named for a cartoon spirit, it's a ghosting technique where the ghoster & ghostee stop texting but in a friendly way
What is caspering?
From Cork to Limerick, it's driving on the left you'll be in this country
What is Ireland?
His final complete symphony, this Beethoven piece is known as the "choral symphony"
What is his 9th symphony?
A taste of home cookbook of "Soups, Stews & More" mentions this utensil & 300+ recipes on its cover
What is a ladle?
In 1967 "I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You)" began her run of soul classics with Atlantic Records.
Who is Aretha Franklin?
Like "Black '47", it's a movie with a Western feel set in Ireland, not a spaghetti Western but...
What is a potato Western?
It's the only "stan" country with left-side traffic
What is Pakistan?
You may stand during this famous composition, also known as the final song in Handel's Messiah
What is the Hallelujah Chorus?
A sieve is good for getting the clumps out of flour; you can use this hole-y bowl-shaped utensil for straining pasta or rinsing lettuce
What is a colander?
David Bowie ch-ch-changed his name from Davy Jones to avoid confusion with Davy Jones of this group.
Who are The Monkees?
Also called a "man on the street" interview, these 2 3-letter words are shortened Latin for "voice of the people"
What is vox pop?
As part of Indonesia this "East"ern Asian country switched from right to left in 1976 & has remained that way in independence
What is East Timor?
Tchaikovsky described this piece by Tchaikovsky as very noisy with no great artistic value
What is the 1812 Overture?
Make strips of pastry for with this utensil that is traditionally used on a savory kind of pie
What is a pizza cutter?