Define Program Evaluation.
What is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and using information to answer questions about projects, policies and programs, particularly about their effectiveness and efficiency?
The Full Name of the TFI.
What is SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory?
The number of data points needed to perform a visual analysis.
What is at least 3 (preferably 5) data points to interpret?
Basic HHS Policy for Protection of Human Research Subjects defines _______________ as “a systematic investigation...designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.”
What is research?
Define Processing Speed.
What is the ability to do something quickly and accurately?
Define Efficient.
What is a measure of how economically resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time etc.) are used to achieve results?
The minimum of students required to complete the Appendix A Walkthrough Tool.
What is 10 students?
Ways to interpret trend.
What is upward/increasing trend, downward/decreasing trend, and no trend?
The Belmont Report identified three principles essential to the ethical conduct of research with humans.
What is Respect for persons, Beneficence, and Justice?
What is an IEE?
What is an Independent Educational Evaluation?
According to the journal article “The School Psychologist as Program Evaluator”, no evaluator is value free; there is much difficulty in remaining ________ about a program while still having interaction with the program, its staff, and its students.
What is objective?
An Example of a Targeted Intervention on Appendix B: Targeted Interventions Reference Guide.
What is Check In-Check Out?
Amount of “bounce” in your data.
What is variability?
A research study we discussed in class that violated ethical standards.
What is the Tuskegee Experiment?
The difference between assent and informed consent.
What is consent may only be given by individuals who have reached the legal age of consent and assent is the agreement of someone not able to give legal consent to participate in the activity?
According to the journal article “The School Psychologist as Program Evaluator”, the ____________ of evaluation among program staff will delay evaluation until the end of the program.
What is fear?
The subscales of Tier 3: Intensive SWPBIS Features.
What is Teams, Resources, Support Plans, and Evaluation?
The level of baseline for the following scores: 5,4,7,8,1.
What is 5?
_____________ is defined in the Common Rule to be “that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.”
What is Minimal risk?
Subtests of the VCI.
According to the journal article “Principles and Procedures of Program Evaluation: An Overview”, a ___________________ is the evaluation service that typically is employed to answer evaluation questions that relate to program development.
What is a needs assessment?
The general rule of the accepted score that will result in improved student outcomes.
What is 70%? (but research is underway to identify a specific criterion for each tier of the TFI)
Define PND and how to calculate it.
What is PND-percentage of non-overlapping data?
To compute PND determine how many intervention data points are ABOVE THE HIGHEST or LOWEST data point in baseline, depending on the direction of change desired then divide this value by the total # of intervention data points.
The tendency for research participants to “… downplay or ignore the risks posed to their own well-being by participation … [due to] the participants’ deeply held and nearly unshakeable conviction that every aspect of their participation in research has been designed for their own individual benefit” is called _____________________________.
What is therapeutic misconception?
A measure of executive function.
What is D-KEFS?