a block of code that performs some specific task; may or may not return a value; can be reused multiple times in the program
an action on occurrence recognized by a program that is often originated from the external environment
a mistake in a program's source code that results in incorrect or unexpected behavior (does not prevent the program from executing)
logic error
a mistake in the program that occurs during the execution of a program (math error)
run-time error
Circle (200, 200, 30, 50, fill = 'red')
Circle only needs 3 inputs (3 numbers)
(x, y, radius)
an error in the source code of a program (prevents the program from compiling or running)
syntax error
a value that is stored that can be accessed or changed by the program
a data type used to represent text that is often enclosed by quotation marks
a data type used to represent numeric values holding fractional numbers
def onMousePress (mouseX, mouseY):
Circle (x, y, 20)
Needed to use mouseX and mouseY for my circle...
a written description of the function of a code segment, event, procedure, or program and how it was developed
Program documentation
program code that is initiated by an event
Event handler
a data type used to represent numeric values holding whole numbers
a form of program documentation written into the program to be read by people; does not affect how a program runs
Rect (200, 200, 20, 20, fill = None, brder = 'blue')
brder = border