*** Double - Jeopardy ***
This is the year the oldest Bank of America legacy organization was chartered
What is 1784
This is the weight of the Sno-Cat that injured actor Jeremy Renner
What is 14 tons?
This is the name of the dog owned by this family.
What is Santa's Little Helper?
This SLT member's favorite outdoor pastime is fishing.
Who is Guhan Prithipal?
He was the first and only pro quarterback to host Jeopardy
Who is Aaron Rodgers
This is the name of the oldest Bank of America legacy organization
What is The Massachusetts Bank
The CEO of this company was "fried" and extradited from the Bahamas
What is FTX?
The nickname of the guy on the left.
What is Twinkletoes?
This SLT member has been busy with 8 kids
Who is Jim Eggert
This TV producer first created Jeopardy in 1964
Who is Merv Griffin
He is the founder of the Bank of Italy in San Francisco in 1904
Who is A.P. Gianinni
This artist performed while pregnant at a recent sporting event
Who is Rihanna at Superbowl LVII?
This is the name of Mr. Garrison's hand puppet.
(South Park) Who is Mr. Hat?
This SLT member is a search and rescue volunteer
Who is Adrian Marchis
He was the first host of Jeopardy from 1964 to 1975
Who is Art Fleming
In 2018, this became the worlds first virtual financial assistant
What is Erica
These two countries recently experienced a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in 2023.
What are Turkey and Syria?
This is where the family restaurant is located.
What is Ocean Avenue, New Jersey or "Seymour's Bay"?
This SLT member was once a chairlift operator at a ski area
Who is Kelly Cornia
Current host, Ken Jennings, is from what US City?
What is Salt Lake City
Bank of America and NationsBank merged in this year
This company now owns Bed Bath & Beyond
What is Overstock?
*** Double - Jeopardy ***
This is used by one of the main characters to hop across universes and dimensions.
What is a Portal Gun? (Rick & Morty)
This SLT member is an avid gamer
Who is Sally Lux
Ken Jennings won this many Jeopardy contests during his famous win streak
What is 74