The Church (with a capital C) refers to what?
The community of believers, the Body of Christ.
What does evangelization mean?
To spread the message of Christ
What is social sin?
Personal sin that affects others.
What is justice?
The moral virtue to give God and others what they deserve.
What is Divine Revelation?
What has been revealed by God throughout history.
The event when the Holy Spirit empowered the apostles.
What is the Church's mission?
To evangelize, serve, and bring people to God.
What is natural law?
Moral knowledge written on every human heart.
What is social justice?
How are justice and charity connected?
It's not one or the other, we need both to do good.
Pentecost is important because it marks the beginning of what?
The Church and the mission
What is the Great Commission?
Jesus' instructions after His resurrection to His disciples (and us) to "go make disciples of all nations..."
We are social beings because we are made in the image of who?
A Trinitarian God
What is commutative justice? Give a definition and one example.
Justice that governs exchanges between individuals or private groups. Example: paying back a debt, fulfilling your work duties, paying for something you damaged, etc.
What type of justice ensures the other 3 types are being met?
Social justice.
What does fire represent in the Old Testament?
What does it mean to be a disciple?
Someone who learns from, follows, and imitates Jesus.
What is the common good?
The social conditions so people can reach their fulfillment more easily.
What is distributive justice? Give the definition and one example.
Justice that governs what society owes to individuals. Examples: services like roads, police, education, etc.
What is needed in order to have the common good?
The good of each individual.
The stories of the beginning of the mission are in what book?
The Acts of the Apostles
What are 3 ways you can be a disciple in your own life?
Examples: Get to know Jesus through prayer and reading the Bible. Serve and love others as Christ would. Talk openly about your faith with your friends. Be part of the Church community and participate.
What is Catholic Social Teaching?
The Church's social doctrine (beliefs) that are guided by the truth of Divine Revelation.
What is legal justice? Give the definition and one example.
Justice that governs what individuals owe their society/country. Examples: Obeying just laws, paying taxes, etc.
How are Catholic Social Teaching and natural law related?
We can understand a lot of what is in Catholic Social Teaching just by examining our own natural sense of right and wrong (natural law).