Scientific Method
Measuring Stuff
Motion and Forces
This is the variable that is changed on purpose in a scientific investigation
What is the independent variable?
This is the total distance traveled divided by total time taken
What is average speed?
This is speed and direction together
What is velocity?
These are the only natural objects in space that produce their own visible light
What are stars?
Which are there more of - metal or nonmetal elements?
metal elements
This is what every scientific investigation starts with
What is an observation?
This is the mass of an object divided by its volume
What is density?
This is a change in velocity
What is acceleration?
This is the average distance between the sun and the Earth
What is an astronomical unit (AU)
1. What is it called when a liquid changes to a gas? 2. Is this a physical or chemical change?
1. evaporation/boiling; 2. physical
This is your educated guess to answer a question; it must be tested
What is an hypothesis?
This is the average speed of a jet that traveled 1000 km in 4 hours and 200 km in 2 hours
What is 200 km/hr?
Two ropes are attached to a box - one rope is pulled to the left with 17 Newtons of force and the other rope is pulled to the right with 10 Newtons of force. This is the net force experienced by the box
What is 7 N to the left?
1. The color of a star is related to what? 2. How do red stars compare to blue stars?
1. its temperature 2. blue - hottest; red - coolest
2Na +Cl2 --> 2NaCl How would the properties of NaCl compare to the properties of either Na or Cl2?
The properties would be different
This is when an experiment has only one independent variable rather than two or more.
What is a fair test?
A rock is placed in a graduated cylinder and displaces water from the 20 ml mark to the 25 ml mark. This is the density of the rock if it has a mass of 45 grams
What is 9 g/ml?
As a bicyclist pedals harder, her speed increases - she reaches a point where she cannot pedal any harder, but she still wants to increase her speed. She can increase her acceleration by
decreasing mass
1. Types of galaxies are classified based on their what? 2. What are the three types of galaxies? 3. What type is the Milky Way?
1.shape; 2. elliptical, spiral, irregular; 3. spiral
1. Name four natural polymers found in all living things. 2. What element is most important in the building of these polymers?
1. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids; 2. carbon
This is a reference for comparison in the experiment where we don't change anything.
What is a control?
A sealed sandwich bag of unknown liquid is found to have a mass of 20 grams with a volume of 30 mL. Will this bag float, sink, or not move when placed in a tub of water? Hint: Water has a density of 1 g/ml
The bag will float because its density is less than water's density
1. Describe the motion of an object when forces acting on it are balanced. 2. Describe the motion when forces are unbalanced.
1. Balanced: The object remains at rest or travels with constant speed in a straight line 2. Unbalanced: The object will accelerate (speed up, slow down or change direction)
1. Planets and other objects in the solar system are most influenced by this force. 2. The inner planets are classified as what? 3. The outer planets are classified as what?
1. What is gravity? 2. Terrestrial 3. Gas-giants
A student places a 1 gram balloon filled with 4 grams of baking soda on a bottle that has a mass of 45 grams filled with 7 grams of vinegar. Assuming the balloon doesn't leak, what will be the final mass of everything after the reaction (baking soda reacting vinegar)?
57 grams