Sentence Structure/Grammer
Word Recognition
Informational Material
The _______of us were _____tired _____do any more work. a. to, two, too b. too, to, two c. two, too, to d. two, to, to
What is (c) two, too, to
(1) The distinguished but verbose former senator from Virginia spoke eloquently for hours about the issue of big government in America. (2)Many of the listeners rose to their feet and cheered wildly at the end of the speech.(3) The less attentive people in the audience were awakened by the applause. (4) What an embarrassment was that! 1. Sentence (1) is a a. run-on sentence. b. compound sentence. c. Compound-complex sentence. d. simple sentence.
What is (d) simple sentence
Writing can be divided into two main categories a. poetry and prose b. edited and revised. c. interesting and figurative. d. imaginary and narrative
What is (a.) poetry and prose
Select the answer that gives the best definition of the word given or the best synonym for it. capable a. worthy b.able to do c. necessary d smart
What is (b.) able to do
Choose the best answer 1. A reader who wants to read different people's opinions about current events is likely in find them in the _______ section of the newspaper. a. front page b. headline c. editorial or "op-ed" d. sports
What is (c.) editorial or "op-ed"
He was absolutely _____________ he knew the answer. a. curtain b. certain c. certian d. certan
What is (b) certain
(1) The distinguished but verbose former senator from Virginia spoke eloquently for hours about the issue of big government in America. (2)Many of the listeners rose to their feet and cheered wildly at the end of the speech.(3) The less attentive people in the audience were awakened by the applause. (4) What an embarrassment was that! 2. The complete subject of sentence (1) is a. senator b. a senator from Virginia c. a senator from Virginia spoke eloquently. d. The distinguished but verbose Senator from Virginia
What is (d) The distinguished but verbose Senator from Virginia
In the stanza of Robert Frost's "Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening," What is the ryhyme scheme? a. 1 2 3 4 b. A B C D c. A B B A d. A A B A
What is (d) A A B A
Select the answer that gives the best definition of the word given or the best synonym for it. gratitude a. not needed b. amount given c. freedom d. being thankful
What is (d.) being thankful
Choose the best answer Which of the following features are you likely to find in an on-line newspaper that you would not find in a traditional newspaper? a. archived or older stories b. links to other resources c. expanded comics d. a and b only
What is (d.) a and b only
Sara is younger__________________ her sister. a. thin b. than c. then d. thun
What is (b) than
(1) The distinguished but verbose former senator from Virginia spoke eloquently for hours about the issue of big government in America. (2)Many of the listeners rose to their feet and cheered wildly at the end of the speech.(3) The less attentive people in the audience were awakened by the applause. (4) What an embarrassment was that! The simple subject of sentence (2) is a listeners. b. many listeners. c. many d. many of the listeners
What is (c) many
Meter can describe as a. the beat of the poem. b. the pattern of how the voice rises and falls in a poem. c. the pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in line of a poem d. all of the above.
What is (d.) all of the above.
Select the answer that gives the best definition of the word given or the best synonym for it. abolish a. do away with b. continue c. warn d. take prisoner
What is (a.) do away with
Choose the best answer Which of the following is not an important feature in works of non-fiction? a. table of contents b. index c. glossary d. biography
What is (d.) biography
If ______ not coming to our house, can we go over ______. a. there, their b. their, there c. they're, there d. their, they're
What is (c) they're, there
(1) The distinguished but verbose former senator from Virginia spoke eloquently for hours about the issue of big government in America. (2)Many of the listeners rose to their feet and cheered wildly at the end of the speech.(3) The less attentive people in the audience were awakened by the applause. (4) What an embarrassment was that! The simple and complete subject of sentence (4) is a. what b. embarrassment c. an embarrassment d. that
What is (d) that
Poetry written to sound like regular conversation is called a. talking verse. b. non-rhyming poetry. c. free verse d. no beat, no meter, no matter
What is c. free verse
Select the answer that gives the best definition of the word given or the best synonym for it. lawful a. not governed by rules b. stolen c. allowed by law d. confession
What is (c.) allowed by law
Choose the best answer Which of the following choices is an example of a compare -and-contrast organizational pattern? a. My brother and I are the only ones inour math classes who can solve complicated problems in our heads. b. My brother is very quiet and shy until he feels comfortable around you. c. Although both of my siblings love ,music, my brother enjoys listening to classical music in the morning, while my sister prefers walking up to a rock beat. d. If I compare two items in price, I may need to use subtraction skills
What is (c.) Although both of my siblings love ,music, my brother enjoys listening to classical music in the morning, while my sister prefers walking up to a rock beat.
Make sure________ taking ________ books home to study. a. you're, you're b. you're, your c.your, your d. you're, you're
What is (b.) you're, your
(1) The distinguished but verbose former senator from Virginia spoke eloquently for hours about the issue of big government in America. (2)Many of the listeners rose to their feet and cheered wildly at the end of the speech.(3) The less attentive people in the audience were awakened by the applause. (4) What an embarrassment was that! The compound predicate of sentence (2) is a. rose b. cheered c. rose, cheered d. rose to their feet and cheered wildly at the end of the speech
What is (c.) rose, cheered
A stanza is a. a random thought that does not fit into a theme b. to a poem what a paragraph is to prose c. a line in a rhyming poem d. the attitude expressed by the poet.
What is (b). to a poem what a paragraph is to prose
Select the answer that gives the best definition of the word given or the best synonym for it. loyalty a. being truthful b. being hopeful c. being faithful d. being certain
What is (d) being certain
Choose the best answer When writing a paper that discusses the timing of a series of events, which organization pattern would you probably want to use? a. compare-and contrast b. chronological order c. stream of consciousness narrative d. inferences and abstract examples.
What is (b.) chronological order