Grammar: pronouns and antecedents
Grammar: parts of speech
Grammar: mechanics
7 X 9 =
Which is the correct way to write the underlined words in parenthesis? (There is) four common types of puppets: shadow figures, rod puppets, marionettes, and hand puppets.
(There are)
Are these 1st person or 3rd person pronouns? he, him, his, she, her , hers, it, its
3rd person pronouns
Add the missing capitals: she and i have always been friends.
She and I have always been friends.
What punctuation belongs between "eyes and they"? Even though ocean waves may look the same to inexperienced eyes they have different shapes related to the depth of the ocean and their closeness to land.
a comma
Which sentence is correct: "Do you just want one baked potato with your steak?" "Do you want just one baked potato with your steak?"
"Do you want just one baked potato with your steak?"
How is the sentence best written? The library door was closed carrying a load of books. Carrying a load of books, he found the library door closed. Carrying a load of books, the library door was closed.
Carrying a load of books, he found the library door closed.
What words from this sentence are adjectives? Jeff believed that the cables would be strong enough to pull the cable cars up the steep slopes of the city.
strong, steep
Which sentence is written correctly: The first train to Luxor leaves at 6:05; the express doesn't leave until an hour later. The first train to Luxor leaves at 6:05, the express doesn't leave until an hour later.
The first train to Luxor leaves at 6:05; the express doesn't leave until an hour later. (Use the semicolon when the ideas in both parts of the sentence are closely related, if you use a comma, you must also use a conjunction like and, but, for, or, nor)
Which is the correct way to punctuate the in-text citation? About one month after the test run, the Clay Street Hill line opened for public use. (Kessler 21)
use (Kessler 21) --no period after use
Is this sentence written in active voice or passive voice? "All students will take the test on Tuesday"
Active voice
Fill in the blank with the appropriate personal pronoun. "The firefighters described how _______ did ______ job. "
"The firefighters described how they did their job."
What words in the following sentence are adverbs? "She approached the front of the bus very quickly."
very quickly
Correct the following run-on using either a comma and a conjunction or a semicolon: "The age of the creature is unknown, evidence shows that it may be older than the pyramids."
"The age of the creature is unknown, and evidence shows that it may be older than the pyramids." or "The age of the creature is unknown; evidence shows that it may be older than the pyramids."
How should the following Works Cited be revised? Colvin, Hannah. Decorating Your Home. New Bremen, CT: Carillon Publishing, 1999. Henry Smith. Fun and Easy Pictures to Paint. Fort Laramie, WY: Ace Publications, 2002.
Put the author's last names first in both entries.
Please change this statement into passive voice. "All students will take the test on Tuesday"
"The test will be taken by all students on Tuesday."
Name the antecedent in the following sentence. "The firefighters described how they did their jobs."
What part of speech is "on" as it is used in the following sentence? Egyptian carvings indicate that stones and other supplies were sent on Nile River barges to the construction site.
Correct the following misplaced modifier by adding a pronoun: Walking to the pyramid, the sand felt hot under our feet. ("walking to the pyramid" incorrectly modifies sand)
Walking to the pyramid, we felt the hot sand under our feet.
Which is the correct way to write the following sentence? Although these plants mean trouble for crickets, flies, spiders, and other insects, they are —safe and fascinating—for people.
Although these plants mean trouble for crickets, flies, spiders, and other insects, they are safe—and fascinating—for people.
Is the following sentence a simple, compound, or a complex sentence? Explain. Since teenagers love to dance, they enjoy rock-and-roll music.
The sentence is a complex sentence because it contains an independent clause and a subordinate clause.
Name 2 demonstrative pronouns.
this, that these, those
Identify all the parts of speech for each word in the following sentence. "When I’m hungry, and crave a little something between meals, my mom wants to make sure I have a healthy snack."
adverb, pronoun, helping verb, verb, conjunction, verb, adjective, adjective, noun, preposition, noun, adjective, noun, verb, infinitive verb, noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adjective, noun.
Find 5 mistakes in the following sentence: They're party is saturday, said Sara. Joe replied, "what time will they begin?"
"Their party is Saturday," said Sara. Joe replied, "What time will it begin?"
How should this Bibliography be revised to be correct? McDonald, Drew. Sailors. New York: Luken Publishing, 2001. Lusk, Linda. Finding Your Way on the Sea. Cincinnati, Ohio: Tanner Publishing, 1999.
Arrange the entries alphabetically by authors' last names.