Sentence Correction
Poetic Devices
Grab Bag
Which word is derived from the Latin root word meaning to cut - contract, partial, section, or junction?
Change a pronoun so that the following sentence is correct: My sister and me love going to the beach. ">">
My sister and I love going to the beach.
What poetic devices is used in this sentence? His eyes were like lazer beams.
a simile
What can you put between these sentences to connect them? My sister is so smart _____ like my dad.
My sister is so smart, like my dad.
What is a hyperbole?
A type of figurative language used to show exaggeration. EX: I am so hungry, I could eat a horse.
What does 'Bon Voyage!' mean?
Have a great trip!
Which sentence is written correctly: The first train to Luxor leaves at 6:05; the express doesn't leave until an hour later. The first train to Luxor leaves at 6:05, the express doesn't leave until an hour later.
The first train to Luxor leaves at 6:05; the express doesn't leave until an hour later. (Use the semicolon when the ideas in both parts of the sentence are closely related, if you use a comma, you must also use a conjunction like and, but, for, or, nor)
What is an onomatopoia? Give an example.
A word that represents a sound: pop, buzz, bang, fizz, bark, whack
What can you put between these sentences to connect them? My sister is so smart _____ my brother is not.
Two options: 1. My sister is so smart, but my brother is not. 2. My sister is so smart ; my brother is not.
What does 'two peas in a pod mean?'
Two people are similar, like best friends
In which sentence does the word burning have the same meaning as in the sentence below? 'Sun Veil Sunscreen provides long-lasting waterproof protection from the sun’s burning UVA and UVB rays that will last for a full six hours in or out of water.' A) The burning candle gave off a wonderful scent. B) What to have for lunch that day was the burning issue. C) Lin had a burning need to know the outcome of the game. D) Angeline ran barefoot across the burning pavement.
D) Angeline ran barefoot across the burning pavement?
Correct the following run-on by using the correct conjunction word (and, but, or): 'The age of the creature is unknown, evidence shows that it may be older than the pyramids.'
'The age of the creature is unknown, and evidence shows that it may be older than the pyramids.'
What tone does this poem express? A heart full of pain Black, frozen, and full of holes A barren waste land.
sadness and despair
Which words in this sentence should be capitalized? i can't wait to go to six flags with my sister suzy and my dad.
I, Six Flags, Suzy
What is the difference between first and third person?
A story is told First person when a charcter is explaining their story: I, me, my, our, us, we is used. Third person is when a narrator is telling the story about the characters: he, she, his, her, they, them is used.
Place a transition word in this sentence: There is a science test tomorrow, ________ we must study tonight.
Correct the following sentence by changing the modifying word: Which test did you think was the more easiest?
What are sensory details?
Ways of describing things using the 5 senses - taste, touch, smell, sight, sound
Which words in this sentence should be capitalized? 'i can't believe dad acts so embarassing!' screamed my bother paul.
I, Dad, Paul
What is the difference between a narrator/speaker and an author?
A narrator or speaker is the fictional person/thing in the book telling the story. An author is the person who wrote the book.
Put these words in order of increasing size, from smallest to largest: huge, colossal, big, massive
big, huge, massive, colossal
What punctuation belongs between 'eyes and they'? Even though ocean waves may look the same to inexperienced eyes they have different shapes related to the depth of the ocean and their closeness to land.
What poetic device is used in this sentence? Even a child could carry my dog, Paco, around for hours. He’s such a feather.
How should the part of the sentence in quotations be rewritten? I can't go to the party tonight because 'I'm work' on my report all night
I'll be working
What is the best way to rewrite the parenthesized part of the following sentence using parallel structure? 'Solar power and hydropower are quiet, (you can rely on them), and clean.' A) reliable B) relied upon C) relying on them D) are reliable
A) reliable Remember: Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words. Not Parallel: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle. Parallel: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.