Pop Culture
STEM Contributions
HHM Fun Facts

A male, Puerto Rican singer/rapper who makes prominent stands, through fashion and performance, in honor of gender fluidity

Who is Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, AKA Bad Bunny?



The fantastical Disney movie that touched on themes of self-worth and generational trauma in a Colombian family

What is Encanto?


The cyber security system developed by Luis von Ahn of Guatemala that randomly generates tests designed to stop spam bots from accessing computer systems

Bonus (+100): What does it stand for?

What is CAPTCHA?

Bonus: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart


The differences between Hispanic and Latino are language and ___

Bonus (+100): Name the only country (other than Spain) that is Hispanic but not Latino

What is geography?

Bonus: Equatorial Guinea



This date marks the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, but is also the Independence Day for five Latin American countries

Bonus (+50): Name at least one country

What is September 15?

Bonus: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala


A female, Mexican artist famous for her many self-portraits, and for depicting feminist ideals in her work

Who is Frida Kahlo?



The musical inspired by William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet that has been adapted several times over the years

Bonus (+50): Name the other most prominent Latino musical

What is West Side Story?

Bonus: In the Heights



The birthplace of Domingo Liotta, who developed the first artificial heart in 1969

What is Argentina?



A common English phrase that carries the same sentiment as the Spanish saying el camarón que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente

What is "you snooze, you lose?"

Also acceptable: "The early bird gets the worm"


There are ___ Hispanic countries

What is 21?


A female, Puerto Rican-American gymnast who joined the U.S. Women's Gymnastics team in 2016, and was the first Latina in over 30 years to compete in gymnastics at the Olympics

Who is Laurie Hernandez?

A style of music, the most notable feature of which is a driving drum-machine track, that was derived from a popular Jamaican dancehall rhythm

What is reggaetón?


A prominent drug synthesized by chemist Luis Miramontes of Mexican in 1951

What is the contraceptive pill?



A strong or aggressive masculine pride, the likes of which can be equated to toxic masculinity in the U.S.

What is machismo?


According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are ___ million Hispanic people in America as of July 1, 2021

Hint: Between 50-100 million

What is 62.6?


A female, Cuban-American singer known as La Reina de la Salsa, meaning "The Queen of Salsa"

Bonus (+150): Name one of her hits

Who is Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso, AKA Celia Cruz?



The one-man Broadway show starring comedian-actor John Leguizamo that tells the story of his community's heritage in a witty way

What is Latin History for Morons?



An engineer and former astronaut who's remembered as the first Hispanic woman to go to space

Who is Ellen Ochoa?


The Mexican-American subculture that was popularized in the West and Southwest, united individuals against discrimination towards Hispanic Latinos, and the identity of which has been dismissed as gangster

What is Chicano?

Also acceptable: cholo/chola



The theme for 2022's Hispanic Heritage Month

What is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation?



A male, Mexican-American activist and labor leader known for fighting for the rights and welfare of farm workers, and co-founding the United Farm Workers organization

Who is César Chávez?


A popular telenovela, or "soap opera show," from which the [Gasps in Spanish] meme originated

What is María la del Barrío?



The founder of the Institute of Marine Biology and the Dominican Foundation for Marine Research who's remembered as the mother of marine conservation in the Caribbean

Who is Idelisa Bonnelly de Calventi?



The Spanish phrase that originated during the era of the Colonial Casta System, and refers to Latin Americans bearing children with light-skinned individuals, as opposed to dark-skinned ones

What is mejorar la raza, meaning to "improve the race"?



The Californian representative who introduced the bill of National Hispanic Week to Congress in 1968, which President Lyndon B. Johnson later signed into into law

Who is George E. Brown?

